šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

GZ how many attempts? - Iā€™m fast approaching 100 now but still nothing (Iā€™ve only seen it drop once in that time as well. )


I donā€™t count as I find it puts me off, I realise Iā€™m unlucky when they wont drop, donā€™t need that reinforcing with a number.

However Iā€™ve farmed it daily with my main from the start and I have been doing it on seven characters a day for a considerable amount of time now. It finally dropped yesterday.


Not my first attempt - Rarity broke - I have a choice of maw mount now (even if it just a reskin) :slight_smile:


Nice! Big gz!


gratz mate


Going for my first Covid jab today, and noticing an Alliance tattoo on the nurse - we started chatting about WoW and now on each otherā€™s Bnet friends list


I just found that that Denathrius has hooves. I had to kill him 4 times to notice.
I laughed at myself for not noticing sooner


After 59 attempts (and some that werenā€™t tracked) I finally got:

Never got the tiger back when it was on the weekly raid. Now I just need the Raptor from there.


Ooh nice gz!!


Finally got a least one complete set from Castle Nathria


Not gonna lie, that is pretty darned cool.

Cool thing that wasnā€™t today, was on Tuesday I think. Had an awesome RP conversation with an Orc at the Koshā€™arg festival RP Event on AD, they were a Dragonmaw Orc, Brigante is a Dragonhawk rider, and our conversation just went on for hours, about flying, marriage, children, how we saw the Horde going in the future, where we had served in combat, the youth of today, how Elves saw Orc longevity and vice versa, and we had a few people just wandering over and listening to two veteran soldiers chewing the fat, our characters had never met before, but it was such an organic conversation, so natural, and I was just like ā€œYeah, this is why I enjoy RPā€ in my head, because clearly their character was in depth and fleshed out and a -believable- person, and it was such a good conversation but entirely fictional, between two people who are not actually a Blood Elf or an Orc in real life, yet made it all seem quite real.

Moments like that make me really appreciate being on an RP realm.

Went on for hours before we were like in whisper ā€œJust seen the time, Iā€™m going to have to bail, work in the morningā€ and I was like ā€œYep, same as, got toddler niece being brought over in the morningā€

I really hope they are at Koshā€™arg tonight, because I wish I had added them on Btag, they were awesome fun to RP with.

So yeah, no Dungeon or Raid stories, just a really nice RP session.


No more annoying mixture frustrations! (was more than 3 tries - rarity broke - about 30 I think)


Reading MuGs chat :wink:


Doing Torghast with a friend and forgetting I was not on my main and totally over pulling.


That happens way too often for me. Most of the alts being Rogues and same spec, I kind of zone out and think Iā€™m playing my main. Health bar halves and some swearing ensues. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sometimes followed by my wife saying: ā€œDid you forget again?ā€. Yup, it happens too often!


I was looking back at some of the junk i had on one of my old characters that i played with when i was too young to understand anything about the game and found that i still had [A Steamy Romance Novel: Iā€™m In Love With a Robot] (the one that says that itā€™s too smudged in oil to be readable)
Just now i understood what it ā€œactuallyā€ meant and bursted out in laughter :upside_down_face:


Testifyā€¦ using the tar trap/ flare combo, on alts that donā€™t have the Legendary.


I knocked off a guardian druid with 80k HP in EOTS when they picked up the flag.
Made me smile as we were getting our bottoms handed to us all game.

I got a cool Robe for my Zandalari priest from Isle of Thunder. I was soo happy cause the drop rate is low.

But at the same time the windy bridge got me so frustrated I started cursing lol. I loved the challenge tho