šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)


I just remembered how fun running LFRs were after running the first and last wing of Sepulcher of the First Ones. :grinning:
Despite the fact that I sadly didnā€™t manage to bring home some lovely gear. :confused:

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Ilthalaine is dead? :pleading_face:

But he was a great Suramari citizen we knew, and so his parents :pleading_face: :heart:


What?! Suramar?! Dont get your sources from Nixxiom!


So far I managed to complete 2 groups of: Plate, Mail, leather and Cloth characters.
My 3rd group should be finished tomorrow with my Orc Warlock.

Things are not looking good as I expected to had achieved more than 2 characters (Troll Shaman and Tauren Druid) today :frowning_face:

That makes 11 characters that got the full set of armour and the Uldaman weapon.
Still missing on the necklace, rings and trinkets.

During Legion pre-patch event I leveled/geared up a BE Hunter from Draenor and a Human Warrior in Stormscale.
During SL pre-patch event I got all weapons from Nathanos raid in all my 10 characters and some pieces of gear.
In this pre-patch event I got 11 characters.

Still 14 characters to go and now I wonā€™t be having any days off till Monday next week (last day).
This is going to hurt :weary:
I even considered getting food from outside as I need the time to grind.

At least I have been having fun :smile:
I think I was preparing for this event since SL launched :grinning:
The weapons I got from Nathanos raid served me very well for 2 years.



Oh I like your new transmog , it suits you well , good luck until next session.

Maybe one day you play an alliance char ?, just kidding youā€™re all good.


It isnā€™t a Transmog.
Itā€™s the actual event gear visual.
Iā€™m waiting for the next transmog event to update everything (you donā€™t pay any gold for transmogs during 2 days) :wink:

My Troll Shaman has the same outfit:

I wrote on this forum a year ago that the reason I didnā€™t play Alliance was because I couldnā€™t send Gold/Gear/Mats to the opposite faction.

Blizzard allowed it and I will do it.
For the moment I need to decide which characters will be retired from the 25 I have. Iā€™m thinking of deleting bank characters and replace them with level 60 retired characters. ATM thereā€™s not enough room for new characters.

Edit: I also have a problem of being too attached to human like races. If I was to play Alliance this would probably be my setup: Human Paladin, NE Hunter, Human Priest, NE DH.
No wonder I ended up with 3 BE Warriors and BEs being more than half my character roster :frowning_face:

Edit: Thank you.


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Thereā€™s never enough belves :smiling_face_with_tear:


Youā€™re right.

Thank you.


A big increase in stack sizes for the bank and bags.

Unless I have been slow to notice.

Could do with a ā€˜consolidation optionā€™ to group same items into stacks for banks and bags.


You like big stacks huh? :eyes:

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With all my alt clutter ?

Heck yeah !

:laughing: :wink:


https:// prnt.sc/LtvpWmZvvc6C

Did someone sayā€¦?

Oh and i dropped the eye of Sulfaras yet again on a character that canā€™t use it. Thatā€™s #2 and belongs to a ā€˜ā€˜frownā€™ā€™ post.

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Did I just see Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker??


a holy priest dps in lfr
also flame ~

Got the last piece I needed for the heirloom trinket and pre-patch is done!

Now just 6 days to goā€¦

edit: Also like the new WoW commercial with David Harbour and Pedro Pascal :laughing:


get your own dragon he says, but I got my own lizard. Huh!

Done with my 3rd Group :partying_face:

Time to start the 4th group: BE DK (1st DK), Orc Hunter (3rd Hunter), Goblin Rogue (1st Rogue) and my BE Priest (2nd Priest).
Time is running out :hourglass_flowing_sand:


Snow outside the window, warm from the radiator and this atmosphere of doing quests in Winterspring, Iā€™m going to make myself some warm cocoa :slight_smile:


I came back to the game after a short break 3 weeks (tbf the break was about 3 weeks itself), with just 2 pieces of the Priests Sepulcher Mythic set left.

So I told myself Iā€™d hit max 15 keys hoping to get them in the great vault. Well today, with the last possible chance, I got the last item in the 3rd slot.

Very over joyed :).