🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

climate change activists must hate me. :joy:

This is what I see

My friend just went and looked and says it’s blue for him too!

not much to smile about these days I lost my mum a year ago and this year I lost my cat on the same date I lost my mum, he was 16 years old . I carnt do mythic as I don’t have the right item level which is 197 but ppl still not let me join there group . but yeah thats about it

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I swapped to an alt to see it and OMG it’s blue!

man, a horde red would look so great on your profile picture to match the background! :smile:

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Now it’s showing for me too on this char :scream:

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i wouldnt lie to you.

i bet you had blue super powers all along!

Oh noes, it might be Bobbi Kotick’s endgame. No paid support, all done for free by MVP’s! :scream_cat:


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you ll receive the promotion in 3…2…1…

any minute! :smile:

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Well that’s my ‘what made you smile today’ turning blue :blue_book:

I’m sure it’s just some update that’s gone slightly wrong.


Well, I just beat Twisting Corridors level 8 on my 196 ilevel elemental shaman.

I’m really starting to think it was overnerfed (even if the final boss did need a lot of kiting, and I had the 40% speed boost… Hey, maybe edgewalker’s not completely useless afterall?)

Venthyr fury warrior is the only reason I’m still subbed, it’s just fun in all content.

My colour being fixed :crossed_fingers:t4:


after about 80 tries our guild finally killed sire hc! :partying_face:


Sundancer finally gained after many failings.


Starting the morning like that :



Orc : “WHERE ???”

Mawguard : " HE LEFT TO GO OUT … Shopping ? "

I can watch that a thousand time a still laught :joy:

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:joy: i really read that wrong but hah, thats really hillarious!

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