🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Twiluna for noticing i had returned & was gone for 3 months c:


It’s getting there


Forgot I was meant to be taking a break from AP farming, oh well :rofl:

i just dinged level 54 on this char ( no kill challange leveling ) and still mineing all nods getting like 150 exp ea nod hopefully tomorrow i will be even level 55 :smiley:

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Do you make gold selling the stuff you mine?

i have bouth a wow token last week and still have 50k left :smiley:
good thing 9.1.0 comes to PTR so can look on new recepts and plan ahead what to mine :rofl:

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Having you as my friend and being there for me even with all my faults :heart:

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:partying_face: Took about 250 attempts (ignore rarity) NEXT! (Nerissa Heartless) :partying_face:


this is what my mechagnome hunter looks like :stuck_out_tongue:

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Congratulations and good luck!!!

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Today was a good day - 6 from rarity is the correct number :partying_face:

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Moar Anima! Am happy bunny :rabbit:

Totally forgetting I did some stuff on an alt so I got a vault today!

Haven’t had time to play or even log in for like 2 weeks … :I
Buuut it means I’m 2 weeks closer to tbc classic and 9.1 : D

puny only you miss a bloodscale set to match
if you wanted the pink color haha
but knowing the armory issues right now nvm

tyrannical and spiteful and probably a +6 spires key intime
this week probably

Got another one of these in my mail box today


No it’s not an automated response for reporting, it’s a response when they take action against someone you’ve reported.

There is a difference :stuck_out_tongue:

No mail = no action taken.


Exactly this you only get a mail if something is done nothing else .


my profile finerly got updated took only 4 weeks to update the trasmog …
better late then never …
me happy now :smiley: