🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Bit late but I got my first MoP world boss mount, Son of Galleon!


first pvp match, first win

enjoying WoW a lot

I got my first character ever to level 60, and got a nice compliment in a dungeon group I ran with!

I ran my first dungeon ever with a group, super nervous. I mentioned that to the other group members and they said “No worries, we got this.” When we were fighting I kept kicking/stunning/interrupting the enemies and boss through the dungeon, and at the end the group leader said I’m “Going to become a hella good rogue at endgame” and that made me super happy and proud.

It’s kinda crazy how much CC rogues have tbh


You can do it! I’m sure you’ll be great just like they said

Not late at all - I still have none of them. Gratz!

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Had a good vault on both my endgame toons and we did a couple keys with Souly for the weekly. Turns out this was his first time since Legion… anyways, both were quite fast, especially Temple! We were sorta carried there… :sweat_smile:

There’s his progress for reference.

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The Vault Gods were pleased of my sacrifices and blessed me a nice Kharnalex, The First Light
Me happy


It took me an expansion and a half(so like 8.3.5 or so till today) of occasionally trying to get a pug(or my old guild) to get N’zoth. I am free. I am finally free D:


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Are you sure about that?

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Yeeees…? What’s on your mind

I managed to soar all the way from Dun Morogh to the event in Silverpine Forest (landed near the daily quest marker).

Life is tough wen you don’t have an ancient Dalaran portal.



Million times this, I hate when people use this game to skim gold instead of playing and helping each other in a friendly environment. Friendly-aggresively hostile competitive nature of the game should stay in highest ranking-rated content of WoW. Nowhere else.

Congratulation :smiley:

Got mine last week.

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That transmog!! Oh my gosh, you look so beautiful :pleading_face:

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Back on track! I found 2 world quests that gave me very strong upgrades, and I also found I had enough storm currencies to get a pair of gloves to go with them, which I could upgrade to get my 4 pc tier :3



When you notice the Shadehound event is up and go and try your luck…


Old memories

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I got the heroic raz bow out of my weekly box on my hunter.

I am now hated.