🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Got 2 tier pieces from lfr in the mail after someone waited 300s on the roll(or however long, i just default to 300s cause of the ff timer :smile: )

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I found a neat buff to spellsteal in Classic, which stacks multiple times without increasing durations - the more enemies one fights, the more haste one can get :’)

My 2.4 sec FFB went down to 1.6 secs with 6 stacks.

I also got a new pet from the dailies there on my main, a moth that’s probably draenei related :smiley:

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I was the only DH and leather wearer in todays normal Vault run :grin:
So the odds were good :laughing:
Bagged 6 item from 7 boss :gift:
And a lots of hate I presume :broken_heart:
But it was nice! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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i needed rogue troll for my last achievement in love is in the air and after some days i found one. they are very rare. i wanted to give him some gold but he refused. he was really kind. now i miss just a draenei paladin and the purple drake will be mine!

I could hop on and create one if you like.

thsnks! very kind! are you available now? (on draenor cuzi im using my zanada shammy)

this one. wow red!

Sitting just off the road outside Stormwind.

lol i was comin to exodar! im in darkshore :smiley:
gimme some min

Our eggs hatched!! Shortly after this screenie was taken, Nag decided to jump to his death trying to fly down on a non DR mount :rofl: Good job he’s a Warrior and could leap to save himself :face_with_hand_over_mouth:



Thanks a lot! the funny thing is i have a pally called tesladin :smiley:
tomorrow ill pity the fool in naxx and my journey will end


My mage maxed her Herbalism!


Thank you for giving me something to do :+1:

Read your post, googled the Zenet egg- popped to the area, 30 minutes later the bird spawned, quick kill and now in my bag for 7 days till it spawns - fab :grinning:


Oh wow that’s so lucky!!! Congrats!

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I’m in an rp event with the best RP event maker in ad and 1 of the leaders of the largest comunity of RP on ad. This is super duper cool!


I only need two more portals on this character.
Ok week so far for her ilvl and my XP on rogue.

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Aren’t portals accountwide? Damn…


I completed all Valdrakken renown quests and got to renown 20. I’m this close to getting those bronze mount scales.

Also close to getting the event Hearthstone, will probably do that when the dailies reset.

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New mount: Vicious War Fox :3

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