šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Saw it earlier on Twitter as well but Moriiis Iā€™m so happy for youu :smile:

In the Aly world:

prnt.sc/Ztt8D61YTM1I (Free me from no links jail please)

25000 kills achieved and I tend to be peaceful always. I mean it.

The story was not so smile inducing as the achievement though. I thought Iā€™d stick around after doing a world quest and help a bunch of elves getting ganked and camped.

Well, naturally, they used the power of lfg and 3 players appeared out of thin air :sparkles::sparkles::sparkles:. The hunter became the prey!

2 warlocks, a retribution paladin and 2 members that kept joining and leaving. They camped me instead. I refused to let them have the last laugh so I stayed. And they kept at it. It was longer than an hour too. I was getting certain people low, but again, it was 5 people just waiting on yours truly to appear. Luckily at some point I caught only 3 of them at one time. I have no idea how I pulled it off but I wiped all 3 of them. They were better geared, they likely actually played rated pvp. You know, supposedly know how the mode they play so much works. Well, I did it again.

Naturally, pugs did what pugs do best. Their group fell apart one by one. At some point a druid healer appeared(the area is free for all outside your party), I thought, hey, maybe Iā€™ll get some help getting them away. Boy, was I wrong. Way it seemed, the 2 remaining members had recruited a healer, either someoneā€™s alt, or another pug. Naturally, they killed me cause even 1 v 1 with a healer is a long and painful ordeal. 2 DPS alongside em? No way. Or so I thought. I didnā€™t give up! I tried kiting them out of sight behind an enormous rock. You know whatā€™s funny? It worked. I managed to pick the 2 dps off one by one and /smiled at the healer as

1 - I had no grudge with that healer

2 - Fighting a healer is not fun.

Not a smile meant to be taunting them, mind you. Their warlock left. A human warrior appeared. A geared one, had close to 400k health. I gotta say, that warrior was good enough to kill me by herself. Naturally, I did the only responsible thing and picked the less skilled rogue off before dying each time. Well, 2 deaths later the unthinkable happened.

:sparkles: Someone actually helped me. :sparkles:

Now, I am a blood elf(Iā€™m on my main, Aly, but a demon hunter), it was a night elf who came to the rescue and did what the current assassination does best: deleted them, with a little help from me of course, but I can definitely admit, they did the job. Honestly, after all that, the moment I saw that dreadful heal I could not interrupt get interrupted with a cheap shot, I just gave the night elf a /hug first and foremost, before continuing the fight :grin:

Well, after that I spam emoted /thank and /bow their way. The warrior left the moment the elite enemy they needed died, the other two left after their 2nd death to my awesome rogue ally too. Helped that rogue get their elite as well and sent them a few whispers on my druid, thanking them for all they did.

Canā€™t say Iā€™d put myself through that again, but honestly? It was fun. And memorable


Just behave as you usually do and youā€™ll get it soon!

Read count must be a gatekeeper here.

This was a real bosslady moment.

salutes to Alysea

So glad to read stories like thisā€¦ Iā€™m proud of you.

Yeah. The one time I had it for like a day I just skipped through entire topics to bump it up. Honestly in a way I canā€™t say Iā€™m interested in (bad word)craft posts and such so the most popular posts donā€™t attract me and the forums are inactive enough to even do the same i did back then :grin:

Canā€™t say i felt that way. Thanks though

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I now have 7 max characters thanks to Timewalking dungeons. It was really good fast xp and I hope they donā€™t mess that up.

Yes they all look that fabulous upon capping :rofl:


Same here girl! I had like 8 characters at 60 for DF launch. On my main I did the new content, as well as my pally, but for the rest I couldnā€™t even be bothered.

So I just waited for this week to dash them all to max, and I only have my warlock at 67 left (not counting my rogue as sheā€™s still 35ish). It was likeā€¦ 4 hours per toon and I barely even had free time.

And cherry on top, one can buy 346 ilvl gear (unfortunately, no mastery gear) from the vendor and 343 gear from the AH to give a headstart.

Iā€™ll post a pic here when done in the eveningā€¦ wish I didnā€™t have to work!!

For @Amazoner, you might wanna check it out for your alts - and donā€™t worry about gear. It does not matter when youā€™re inside.

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Be a professional begger (beggar?) like me
And from the start, ask the lvl 70 stuff
Lots of kind poeple out there!
TW is awesome for leveling, ended on every alt with 359+ (TW stuff + weekly)

an achievement that i started literally 10 years ago
gave up on it few times
only to pick it up few months ago and monitor achievement discord daily to get it done
finally got thassarian today !


ā€¦and my grind is finally done!!!


I got Eranog ring from my first mythic vault. Bye bye getting killed by meleeā€™s and getting a zero parse because tanks canā€™t taunt (insane to me that both tanks were Blood DKs literally having three taunts each).


MOTHER decided to let me buy essences on my alts this week and my level 50 alt mage has the essence of the Focusing Iris now. Also bought 2 essences for my evoker for the next timewalking event.

My Forsaken Warrior can officially be called: ā€œThorburn the Lazy Bastardā€ :laughing:
Today I teleported to Dalaran, to get some repairs done, on my gear because by some reason, that Orc that repairs your gear near Wingrest Embassy, wasnā€™t there :open_mouth:
He always go MIA when Majordomo Selistra is offering you the quest to go meet Queen Alexstrasza :angry:

I was at Dalaran trying to get some repairs done, when Eitrigg comes and tells him that he has a urgent message. It was the Legion quest for the Warrior order hall. He kept talking and reminding my Warrior to go with him, to the point I had to leave the store where I was in and run from him to the portal, to Ogrimmar, with him stalking all the way up until there :rage:

I went to double check ,if Nathanos, Rokhan and Thalyssra were still waiting for him, in the Ogrimmar inn, to go to Stormwind, to rescue Zul and Talanji and yes. They were still there :rofl:


[image.png (1920Ɨ1080) (disco rdapp .com)](https:// cdn.discordapp. com/attachments/1010159464202129410/1078190013604442153/image.png)

8/8 20+ vaults keys done first time in my life i can out todayā€¦ finalyl free from this game.

I forgot to mention yesterday but they fixed the bottle in the aqir assault in Uldum.


Ughā€¦ must have been a real pain to get all this done.

the real pain is when he opens his vault next week and finds an assortment of necks waiting for him :smiley:


Today I got the last of the 4 baby croc pets from the Shattrath fishing daily.


Thunder chicken dropped her bow
LFR bow, but Bow nontheless :grin:

this is what i have to say when i dont have to play wow for the next 7 days.

Again not today but Iā€™ve been pleasantly surprised to have groups that donā€™t skip the bosses in freehold.

Someone complimented me after a Solo Shuffle roundā€¦ thatā€™s a first :grin:

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