🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

No more fixing mirrors (until I farm the tmog)


ur the first person i see on forums who has a twitter made of ur wow chacther moustly it is only peoples what do RP do things like that . Nice job :smiley:

It’s fairly common in WoW circles tbh.


well yes first that we blasted through lfr shriek/sludge and SLG with a good group tonight
when i queued with Cvet
second getting 2h axe and dk helm from tw ulduar
and last the group i had on war managed general and yogg
tho we had one mage insulting 2 of us and ninja pulling bosses
(when i said some pugs have ppl who ignore mechanics ask to be carried i didnt mean HIM haha)

Got 8 levels on my hunter over on AD, yay!
Level 40 means fast flying, double yay!

… discovered I’m 1,2K gold short, and it’s my richest character on that server, noooooo! :cry:

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i am poor i have only 55k -cry-


Nothing. There never is.

I just did Plaguefall with my rogue lvl 56 and the dps monk start complaining that the tank didn’t skip boss.
Then when we had one wipe, the monk start a vote kick on the tank ( reason: the tank he’s a retard noob ).
The vote failed and he start another one (reason: please the tank is afk ) vote still failed.

We kept doing the dungeon and on the last boss Margrave, the monk was the only one to die … he said on the chat: Oh wtf, sorry, ress me please.

What a noob :joy:


You just made me smile, over the fact that the votes kept failing :heart:
I hate when ppl want to kick just because someone made a small mistake, or even when they didn’t - it’s just not fast enough. Or what ever other reason that was made up.


I still fix the mirrors because the pet sells for 100k+ on my server
And gz on the mount!


someone traded me the crown of autumnal flora right now and i couldnt be happier! :partying_face:


Congrats! I’ve been trying to get it for a while now but drop rate must be very low. Everyday I do around 10 runs, maybe. But it’s a fun dungeon so no bother at all.

Also something wow related that made me smile today is the Wow art I got. It’s very lovely of my Zandalari troll.


first i got lucky to get the 2h axe from ulduar and warhelm of the champion
after that lfr shriek sludge SLG and sire one shot group

Theotar - The Mad Duke said I smelled spicy and I would make a great soup.

Love that dude :joy:

Good thing you have somebody who likes your engineering work :kissing_heart:


Had a bit of a giggle while making my way to the world boss (Mortanis).

Alliance riding in front of me, we arrive at the side entrance of the house of chosen… they think they are being smart by stopping and letting me go first. Me being a rogue: Stealth and make my way through the mobs while they stood there waiting. :stuck_out_tongue:


power of the horde playing in darkmoon faire
tho weird just now it stopped was not even close to the end lol
wow the irony of cutting a song in the middle

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Got the slime mount from PF today with a friend helping me and talking to me on disc to keep me calm :smiley: