🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Done three portals this week so far. Pretty good progress given my score on this character.
Just need NL and, my most hated dungeon of this season, Brackenhide Hollow.

Killed several zaralek rares yesterday. Someone actually announced one in chat so I went.
When it was dead, I and another alliance moved to the next nearest rare where a horde joined us and finally another alliance while we flew round the caves killing all the rares we could.
We weren’t in a group and not a word was said so we followed each other and I only lost them once when I was stuck in combat.
Then we went our separate ways as quietly as we’d joined together.
Wow 2023.

They told me “nice heals” :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I discovered there’s an item that lets you fly on aquatic mounts in Nazjatar. My fishing alt that’s working on Unshackled rep really appreciates it.



I don’t know what to said about this except for :partying_face:



Finally after so many months, I got my first level 70 yesterday: my BE Hunter.
Afterwards it was my BE Rogue and BE Warrior.

I was planning to make all of my characters to hit level 70 at the same time, unfortunately some ended up being more played than others :frowning_face:

Either way 3 characters done, 22 characters to go.



Tried to experiment with new nightborne eye colors, combination of white hair, pale skin and purple eyes looks Cool, finally my lock looks menacing, especially considering that unlike default eyes purple glows in dark places

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When I want to change my mog, armory takes ages to update, but when I log out in my unmogged honor gear the armory updates within a few hours.

I’ve been playing my hunter a lot lately and I love it. I’ve missed playing survival :smiley:

I’ve done some Legion fishing raids for rep in the past few days, was fun.

Welp, managed to get 4-set on both Warrior and Monk today, thanks to the Catalyst + Great Vault.

I got Forgestorm from vault on my rogue, only 441 though.
My second rogue got heroic neck from Magmorax. 90% mastery now, pretty cool.

My monk is so jealous right now…

I actually got the transmog I targetted on the first run…

RNG was kind to me for once!



I managed to get my friend a flavour pocket from the feast this week.


I hosted a Garrison fishing raid. Two people got a Riding Turtle today, I handed out two Strand Crawlers and got two cosmetic items.

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Very pleasantly surprised that the Sark fight on LFR is perfectly tuned down. It’s not an ordeal like Raz fight.

Finally got the last piece from LFR
