šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Today WoD TW, started. I finally managed to hit level 70, on my BE Priest, Forsaken Warrior and this character.

6 characters done so far. 19 characters to go.



How high is your insanity? :dracthyr_sweat:

Iā€™m currently doing SL content, and Iā€™m not hating it as much as I thought I would. I mean, I donā€™t like it, and I absolutely hated being forced to do the storylines in each zone before I could pick a covenantā€¦

But eh - I can solo everything easily, Iā€™m already Renown 39 (and I havent even started my Campaign yet). I got Flawless 16 achievement done, Jailerā€™s Gauntlet done. So Iā€™m somewhat enjoying it more than I thought I would.

I guess it helps that I can solo everything, and it not being the current main content, as I quit and deleted my old account due to Shadowlands.

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My Warrior hit 60 with ilvl 180 so to do DF dungeons I sent my paladin who has 20k reservoir anima to Zereth Mortis in order to get a BoA token so I could clear that hurdle.

Been a while since Iā€™ve been there also the hub is pretty nice when itā€™s not overcrowded with people.


Iā€™ve got voice of the silent star in my vault ! My mates are frowning aboot this !


Today I decided to queue SS with my DK.
I finally got Rival.
So happy even if itā€™s kinda noob PvP level but itā€™s my second time reaching Rival.


Realm first magmorax!


People havenā€™t really been talking about it, but 10.1.5 will have transmog tracking. You can track boss and vendor transmog and it will even give you a map marker of the vendor or a link to the journal encounter.


Iā€™ve been rotating between, 25 characters, since the start of DF.
It was harder, when they were all level 60 :frowning_face:
On the good side, that meant, I was always playing with 100% rested XP all the time :grin:
Now. itā€™s easy. They are all level 68, with rested XP.
Only the weekend off, hopefully I will have this finally done, before WoD TW week ends.



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So I was leveling a troll warrior in Eversong Woods (you heard me right), and I got to the western sanctum where you have mana ghosts (look like elementals) and night elves. One of the enemies there gives you a debuff that makes you take more spell damage, only it seems a bit unbalanced.

My HP was only around the 350 range and it make me take 170 damage from moonfire instead of something around single digits.


I finally got my 500th mount today :slight_smile:


Congrats, thatā€™s a big milestone! :slight_smile: Iā€™m at 442, itā€™s getting a bit tricky now.

Canā€™t sleep because of the heat so managed to finish the Tarecgosa questline and did Rhapsody in Blue as well so I now have her visage as a mount! Neat questline, though I donā€™t want to see Firelands for a while now lol, especially as it reminds me of this heatwaveā€¦>.<


Reached 2k8 M+ score !


Leveled a Priest with the exp buff and I finally found a healer that clicks for me, (Holy, not tried Disc :slight_smile: ) after trying other classes and writing the role off as something I couldnā€™t manage.

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Yoo, congrats. Boost pls.
Edit: no joke now, bro congrats. 3k soon I say.

Sure but I wonā€™t have time this weekā€¦

Just kidding, trying to get 3k on my DK with pugs so Iā€™m chilling.
Though if you wanna do keys lmk. I have a 21 something and will have a 21 next week too 100%.

Blame my favorite Swede that Iā€™m back to DK Kappa.

Human decency :+1:

A couple of days ago, I was browsing for bargains and I noticed a trinket for 10g at the AH.

ILV 376
Suspended Sulfuric Droplet
+431 Mastery

I was like:

I immediately purchased it.
However at the back of my conscience, I knew this wasnā€™t the right price the poster wanted. So I decided to let the item go and send it back to the original poster.

I wrote:

I saw this item posted at 10g.
I donā€™t think this was the price you wanted to post at the AH.
Please be more careful next time.
Cheers "

He replied today:
ā€œyou are a very kind person ! I like that :stuck_out_tongue: so Iā€™ll give it to you Thanks !!ā€

I replied:
ā€œThank you for your generosity.
I will use it on one of my characters.

Nothing pays this experience :smiling_face_with_tear:



Last day of the Argent Tournament event on Argent Dawn :smiley:


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11 characters done so far :partying_face:

8 characters to go :weary:

WoD TW week, meanwhile is running out and so are my characters that can heal/tank :stopwatch:
