šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Had the exact same thought going - what theā€¦ ! :flushed:

Healers are like mum. No matter how dumb i am or how much i screw up, they always look after me. :blue_heart:

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Itā€™s the first time in my wow career i used my profession to craft weapon for self usage. Feels better than i expected, it even got inspiration

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Doing a +12 Vortex Pinnacle with 2 guildies and 2 pugs - yes i got carried hard on that, but hey ho not bad for only my 2nd m+ run this season


Faction changed this lad yesterday (finally), and I got myself the Sinā€™dorei heritage + the Blood Knight set.

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Having passed 2.5k score, I applied to some more FH 20s, got into one, timed it with 2.5 minutes on the clock :smile_cat:

Couple of mistakes that I will learn from, but only 4 deaths, none of them mine. I might just possibly not be a trash tier player. Or maybe I got carried by randos :thinking:


Nice one, I believe in you! \o/



Got ALL Midsummer Fire Festival achievements done and all toys/pets!



I race change to Undead, will check out how it goes.

And you dont use the Dethrock hairstyle!?

Fair point but I think the one that my char has is BiS.

You think wrooooooooooooong!!!


Just completed A Flame Extinguished quest inside a raid without having to raid. I hadnā€™t realised there was now a story mode. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

Got to see the story and npc conversations, it was really good and moving. Way better than trying to follow stuff on YouTube. Good Job Blizz ! :+1:

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The quest became available to all without having to kill Sarkareth because he was added to LFR.

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Time to do every Torghast Layer 16ā€™s in Flawless in one go.

Welp - thatā€™s done.

Finally saved up 1,000 dubloons to buy the albatross from Island Expeditions.
Also got the Cobalt Shalewing to drop yesterday in the Caverns.

So thats 2 new mounts that I will probably never useā€¦LOL


Finished all Flawless Layer 16ā€™s, and finish all Jailerā€™s Gauntlet.

Gained 4/5 Toys in Torghast, 4 mounts (3 from achieves, 1 drop), and gotten 4 unique pets.


[Plans: Sageblade] just dropped from BwL trash. :slight_smile:


Tried pugging Uldaman 17 tyrannical. Those weekend nerfs were important because theyā€™re why that key was timed :joy_cat:

Although the last boss is still a bit crazy and could probably do 10-20% less damage on each knockback to be in line with the others. Thought I was onto a losing battle when I had to burn Rewind right away on the first due to nobody using defensives.

(I didnā€™t either. Itā€™s a learning process as to which bosses should be pulled with a defensive active, and I donā€™t really blame anyone for not being sure this soon after nerfage.)

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