šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Today I restored my first DH (and OG main).
I tanked a Freehold 2 with 321* ilvl and was terrible. After, I saw the DH Elite set and seems cool so might get to 1.6k.

Having a new objective and goal is always fun.

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Me: Can we go to Japan?
Mum: its too expensive
Me: butā€¦ i want to see Cherryblossoms at least once in my life.
Mum: you already saw cherryblossoms
me: where?
mum: in warcraft (Jade Forest)
me: ā€¦

Discussions with mum made me smile, laugh, and frown at the same time. :sob:


Man this brings back feelsā€¦
I started I think in the very beginning of 2008, could be earlier but hard to determine. I had just watched the co-operative server for Dark Age of Camelot close and my guid disband, and had been playing Shayia Online for an MMORPG fixā€¦

Hubby so didnā€™t want me to join WOW but I did, and within a week of watching me and asking questions he joined too. We have never regretted it, and despite life changing dramatically for us both, this is our world.

Hunter was my first class too, Willowraven, I remember how amazing it was on a flight path, the first timeā€¦how it literally took your breath awayā€¦

The first time I saw, and fell in love with Undercity, itā€™s crazy Halloween town, Tim Burtonesque feelā€¦

That it took us so long to get to level 50 and the Dark Portal that all our guildmates came and danced in their underpants before we went in to cheer us onā€¦

And the first time I saw WOTLK with a better PC and realised what ground clutter actually isā€¦

Thank you for the nostalgia, it was very well receivedā€¦
This game isnā€™t perfect, but so far, for us, it delivers more than any other, and it often accepts that some of us through no fault of our own have to play solo, which I love. I have to wait but eventually I will get to see everythingā€¦

Blizz will always have my loyalty for that

So your post made me smile, and daily, my Guild, I love them all, those crazy people that allow me to RP with them and experience something new, every time I play in Azeroth!!


Made it to level 17 on my second hardcore char!!!



Hehe glad it brought back memories - my hunter is still alive at level 15 although I almost nearly bought it when summoned Echayeke and 2 lions spawned at the same time, fortunately a passing Mage sheeped it so I could take down the lions and then get it - phew!
Crossroads is amusing with the banter, now that brings back memories :rofl:

It is interesting how Org seems to be buzzing with players making/selling items, as though they will be there awhile :thinking:
ā€¦ are they immortal!
ā€¦when I finally slip up, will leave hardcore be - wonder how far I will get as got a quest to pop across the water to Silverpine :flushed:


Created a hardcore undead character to see what the hype is about. Level 8 so far, which is 7 levels higher than expected. :smiley:

I saw someone in general offering to make wands free for mats, so decided to check out Orgrimmar of old.

On AH, the mat prices were higher than for complete wands. (Unfortunately, the mats are from disenchanting weapons).

As I was poor as dirt, decided to see if a vendor had one cheaper.

No such luck, but then a kind player noticed a scruffy warlock with a skinning knife equipped, and kindly traded me a wand for free.

So I traded him a spirit scroll I had picked up in return.

I prefer retail for transmog and diversity of content, but it is nice to see lots of players running around the levelling areas, busy chat with questions and answers, selling items or offering crafting help.


Got alot of Rated Solo Shuffle rating and unlocked most of the ĆØlite set for evokers! Only shame that how MMR is given at higher rating is a bit confusing @.@

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The new cinematic - just looking forward to new WoW stuff anyway <33 ( thank you WoW team <333 )

Just joined DungeonDojo community- will see how it goes


I always hear good things about them.

Hope you have fun.


I wanted to give a try to Classic Hardcore. I was wandering inside the forest and an agressive bat which was 3 lvls more than me started attacking . Used my health pot, missed some attacks , it was at %10 but I had no health left to take it down. Killed by a bat in 1vs1. I will bring my lvl70 rogue to hunt down that bat! Ofcourse in Retail :smiley:


I reached 450 mounts! Really happy about that (but kinda sad that we donā€™t have an achieve for that).


I think you get an achievement for 500 mountsā€¦


As the one who does Heroic raiding such as me, for few years, I almost didnā€™t care about the mounts

But If I was a casual with LFR and normal raiding and Mythic + 10, then I would hunt mount collection and achievements

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Coming back to Retail after no lifing Hardcore Classic for a week. Everything is so pretty!!!


I was talking to a friend that was farming Garrosh for shoulders.
He has been farming them for a while and so I decided to try myself. I didnā€™t got the shoulder but I got the mount on this character :joy:

Iā€™d rather had the shoulders to keep them in collection but the mount can do too.


How far did you get?

Iā€™ve recently come back and decided to go super casual. Stopped leveling, went hunting for Aeonaxx, then started the netherdrake rep. Feels good to do what I want to do and not feel like I need to chase level 70 or gear.

First character at 12 and second one was 22 I think.

But I canā€™t face it again. Itā€™s so boring to repeat, the challenge is fun though. I failed.


I am tempted to give it ago. Doubt Iā€™ll get passed Silvermoon ruins.

EDIT: In fact I know I wonā€™t! As itā€™s not in classic lol.


Indeed, no playable Elves