šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

I tried Dawn of the Infinite for the first time. We got our asses handed to us but it was fun and we almost had 2nd boss (people had to leave).

I donā€™t think Iā€™ll try it again on Mythic until I get better ilvl (It was honestly too demanding of someone ilvl 416, had to be very precise or one mistake and Iā€™m dead) but the heroic difficulty should be a good chance to learn the layout and basic mechanics at least.


At least you donā€™t have too much longer to wait for Heroic mode

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Yes, and I know tactics for first 2 bosses already :sweat_smile:

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To be fair, I am surprised you even lasted that long. I would have gotten bored right at level 3.

It is anā€¦ intersting dungeon
But actually, 416 should be enough, it is not the ilvl, more like the mechanics that makes the dungeon a living hell - well for casters and anyone with casting time and charged spells * cough * Evoker * cough *
Especially the second boss where you have to consantly moving; try to cast something or even for 1 sec stop and charge your spells and the rotating area is gone under from you and you are basically dead or give a VERY hard time to your Healer
Aside this minor ā€œdesign flawā€ - and the hyperanoying mobs with groupwide painfull pulsing abilities - the Dawn is quite good and the 5 Aspect Fragment and 200 soridormi rep/ boss is generous, not to mention the loot is decent if not sometimes bis for both as a mog and somtimes as usable gear/weapon
I suggest donā€™t give up, you can do it!!!

Well I am an arcane mage so having to move all the time is pretty annoying. And basically after we finished trying I was out of breath, like I said it feels very demanding, itā€™s probably not good for my health straining myself so much.

Classic isnā€™t the most exciting game but the threat of death and playing with a friend made it fun to try. The starter zones are packed with people. I presume because people have to keep starting over. You also find people doing a lot of Westfall/Darkshore/Loch Modan before moving on to a new zone to be able to survive better.

The guild we were in would have some start over, one poor soul would die several times a day. I just donā€™t have that kind of will power to constantly start again and tbh after doing it twice that was enough for me.

I donā€™t even have it to begin with. Never was a fan of hardcore modes and never will be.

This is the first one Iā€™ve tried.

I finally got Taeschalach to drop


This reply belongs to the frowning thread, but since a blue poster pointed out that the other was gaining more replies than this one :pensive:, I decided to post here :smile:

Thanks for the suggestion Zhantharion :+1:
Iā€™ve tried it on my 1st BE Paladin, created in TBC:


Iā€™ve got a Shield, in the chest
Itā€™s good for 2 specs, but not for Retribution spec unfortunately :frowning_face:
I keep forgetting :brain: that the chest, has more stuff than armour :pensive:

Sheā€™s now officially my best geared character :partying_face:
That is ā€¦ until others have time to catch up to her :smiling_imp:

It was a very eye opening experience:

  • First time, I created a group, since TBC.
  • First time, my group had Alliance players.
  • First time doing Mythic dungeon, since Legion.
  • First time earning a iLV 431 item.
  • First time, chatting in a 5 players group, since a long time. I think the last time, was when people were moaning about my bad tanking, on my Orc Warrior, during BFA in WoD TW Dungeon.
    I did it in LFR, but thatā€™s because Raszageth and Broodkeeper Diurna, forces you to communicate with others in order to get the strategy right.

I made several mistakes, like entering the dungeon in normal mode. Which made the first Pandaren Monk :shield: quit, in the middle of the run.
Luckily the Dwarf fury Warrior, NE Balance Druid and the BE Hunter decided to keep going and finish the instance in normal mode.

In our second run, with Mythic mode selected, a BE Paladin :shield:, joined in.
She would continue with us, for the rest of the 4 runs.

At the start of our 3rd run, the BE Hunter was AFK and we got a NE DH as a replacement. She was with us for the rest of the 3 runs.

At the start of our last run, the NE Druid had to quit and we got a Goblin Warlock.

Even though the experience was great :smiley: :+1:
I still prefer LFD.
I really hate looking for party members :pensive:

However what really baffled me was how fast people were joined in, seconds after, I posted the group in the group finder tool.
People say to queue as a Healer or a Tank, but I never expected to be this fast :open_mouth:


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So thatā€™s why, it cost 500 tenders :smiley:
I decided to buy it, for my 2 BEs Paladins.

Thank you.

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I just finished my 4th run on my 2nd BE Paladin.


This time I changed the spec, to retribution, because I wasnā€™t interested in getting another shield :shield:

I got a pair of bracers instead.
Unlocked a new appearance as well.
At least, it can be used for all 3 specs :smile:

Edit: Itā€™s been extremely fun playing with the Alliance :lion: players.
We should do this more often (LFR and LFD) :smile:

Nothing like seeing, so many races fighting the same enemy.
ā€œFor Azerothā€.



My friend and I played our dead Hardcore characters on Classic Era after moving their corpses. Was kinda fun.

I havenā€™t touched Classic Era since Classic TBC came out.

The Twitch reward that starts tonight.
As people probably know, I donā€™t collect transmog as I donā€™t see the point as a SP. I do usually mog my gear into leggings and a t-shirt which is exactly what the Dashing Buccaneerā€™s Slops look like. So MrGM here I come when it starts.
(Btw, what are slops? Iā€™m guessing itā€™s American for something; to me, slops are something fairly gross like liquid mushy food like you would feed to pigs or the liquid left-overs in a bowl of food).


Well they improved the Glyph of Shadow to the point you can actually see the transmog now. Though if you prefer to just be a shadowy mass then thatā€™s ok too.


Yes, Iā€™ve had arguments with myself about this but I do still think that if Iā€™m a SP, I should look like one ā€¦ dark purple. mysterious and quite often evil.

Happy to see itā€™s Comp Stomp tomorrow ā€¦ but how am I going to find time with all the Secrets and Rumours and ā€¦ I feel most people must have many more spare hours a day than I do.
Still, I always like a good Comp Stomp though itā€™ll take me an awful lot of BGs to get to my next mount.


Mark my word, the Comp Stomp is a secre AI training program and they learn!
Beware of those chibi-SkyNet wannabees!!!

Ooh thanks for the heads up!!!