šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

A half-smile as Iā€™m finally halfway through the last section of Soridormiā€™s rep. Just 9k more to go ā€¦


When you turn and autorun back to the Questgiver and a cut scene kicks in, youā€™re on a cliffā€™s edge so while the story plays out, youā€™re dead having flung yourself off a cliff.




Renaming my main to Tahra made me smile today!
Iā€™m back baby!

I changed it a couple of years ago, thinking Iā€™d change to male versions more now that you can do that at the barber, but reality proved that I still just only make my main a female character. Soā€¦ Tahra it is again!

And since I was at it anyway, Gnome it is again also!


Welcome back to your true form!!!

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Managed to finish work in time to quickly go do the forsaken heritage quest, back in Lordaeron there is loads of forsaken players showing off their new mogs and two guys walking around welcoming everyone and giving compliments on peoples char looks/styles :grin:


This QoL update

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Just completed both Night elf and undead quest line - after reading the comments did night elf first and agree it was a little glitchy. Went straight onto undead, finished it and then there was a little quest afterwards - Sylvanas :heart:

Iā€™m lacking a forsaken alt and I donā€™t really feel like leveling up a character just for that questline. Maybe Iā€™ll use the free boost weā€™re bound to get in the epic version of the next expansionā€™s pre-order to get a forsaken. :blush:

The heritage questlines are something I do want to do for all races.

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I have to admit it made me want to level a 2nd undead, my Mage is the only undead I have.

If you do decide, there is this you need to have done before it will let you start the heritage quest line

Oh and I agree about doing all heritage quest-lines, so far I have done them all :+1:


After much thought :thinking: and getting to the conclusion, I canā€™t play 25 characters, without putting my Laptop :computer: through longer hours of playing WoW, Iā€™ve decided today to finally listen to the community on the Forum and buy a Laptop stand with a fan :money_with_wings:

Itā€™s a GamingxTrust Quno cooling stand :smiley:

Itā€™s much better now.
Thanks for your advice again guys :+1:



Never been so happy to play multiple characters, this is why:

I was doing the 5 TW runs on my Forsaken Holy Priest, when I chose normal dungeon, instead of TW dungeon :clown_face:
I immediately apologized to the group and left: 30 minutes Dungeon deserter debuff.

I went and started doing the same on my 1st BE Holy Paladin. I got inside a group that wanted to keep doing more TWs, but on our 3rd queue the player that was queueing us chose normal dungeon.
I left and got the 30 minutes Dungeon deserter debuff.

I went back to my Forsaken Holy Priest, but she still had 4 minutes left on her deserter debuff.

I logged my Troll Restoration Shaman and started doing 5 TW Dungeons runs again.

Iā€™m now running TW on 3 characters at the same time :nerd_face:


Hearing a vague rumour that normal flying will be enabled in 10.2 patch. Hopefully its true

Iā€™m so used to dragonriding now that I donā€™t like normal flying anymore, it feels soooooo slow :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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Ironically we will have to do an achievement to use regular flying even though weā€™ve had dragon riding from day one :smiley:

But itā€™s finally coming!!!

Pink hair is coming!!!


Blizz finally realising they havenā€™t made an accessible werebear since Legion and actuallyā€¦ adding a new werebear for DF.

I really hope itā€™s attainable by normal people though :joy_cat: :pensive:

Still, catraptors and owlbears. Main alt for S3 is now picked.

If they donā€™t give a new mount with it as well like in WoD and BfA then a dragonriding enjoyer like me has zero incentive to get it.

I guess weā€™ll find out when more information is known


Human and titanic races will get everything, I want to see everything

So DragonflightĀ“s pathfinder is becoming more difficult than BFA, it will be completed longer than 10 months

If your main has never touched renown or the main storyline then yes itā€™s going to be a bigger task.

From the look of that list the only thing I lack is the renown and exploration of the new zone which we donā€™t have yet.

Iā€™m not sure how that compares to BfA which had two parts.

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