đŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

The warlock sacrolash leggo is getting nerfed. Enough to make me smile for weeks. How this thing managed to go live is beyond me.

Kept getting grouped with these two colour coordinated studs in random bgs. They kept popping wings at the same time too which was fun to see.


The Ball roleplay event in Dalaran that took place tonight was great. Initially I hesitated to participate, but now I’m glad I did!


Yesterday, I was on a ground mount in Ashenvale about to log out. 5 sec left and I see an Alliance player fall to their death pretty close to me.
Not only did it make me smile, I laughed too! :smiley:

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Banning boosters , removing conduit cds , banning bots , making game worth playing

sounds like fun!

" Burning Crusade Classic Beta Arena Rating Update - May 15"

 Too be fair, they didn’t revert all the changes and Blizz were the ones who ruined it in the first place but they did go back on the worst parts and TBC Arena won’t be utterly ruined from day one so I’ll take this as a Victory in my books!


Today, Hexx melted da face of an annoying gnome mage with pigtails.

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Hexx is doing good work :slight_smile:

Saturday night keys night on alts was real fun 2 hours .


Completing old Hf I haven’t done yet.

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I’m almost free of Venthyr anima farming


Congrats! :tada: :balloon:

When people track down your character in game to hurl abuse at you in whispers because they some how imagine you have the power to silence them on the forums :rofl:


Why did you use your green powers to silence him? :no_mouth:

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Sadly I have no powers here, if only!

but it’s more like


bur! :smile:

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Not today, but Saturday I was messing about on Hotahk and sending stuff to my monk alt to get him ready for Dungeon levelling and someone random at the mailbox poked me and whispered me “i recognise you from the forums I think? You look very familiar.” We established it was indeed me they thought I was.

For me this was a big deal of smiles because this is the first time ever in WoW I’ve had a forum game crossover. I’m sure others have had theirs but those vague 45 seconds or so made me feel like a D list celebrity lookalike someone has correctly recognised.

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This Hunter’s pet names :joy: