🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Seems the trading post is fixed and I could get the mount. Not checked back in a while


yeah it was fixed the same day or the day after :slight_smile: Enjoy your cute fox


Having reasons to log on my demon hunter and play with her always makes me happy :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:
Met the mythical friendly timewalking players that nobody has heard of existing before and had a blast with them. Also got to spend time with friends I had basically nothing to do together with (in wow) since they push higher keys almost exclusively and I kinda lost interest in pushing. I also did soo many classic things like the ones mentioned in the above posts(it was a long Sunday, okay).

Overall these less than 2 weeks I’ve been back have been my best time in wow since maybe BFA and I hope whoever reads this has an awesome time at some point soon as well. Actually, if anyone needs someone to play with i’d be up for it! Been busier than usual lately but i’d toottally make time. :dracthyr_comfy_green:

/and back to void Aly now/


Exploring while making tons of gold easy.

DF has so much exploration and little secrets and quests scattered throughout the map that make exploration feel rewarding. I am really enjoying just getting lost in the zones sometimes.


how stable the servers have been of la- oh…oh nvm!

your name just made me smile today, wait he didn’t just call himself a Tesla hell yes he did lol

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Just noticed that the paladin’s trading post set was fixed on human males. The shoulders no longer clip through the back of the right arm. Nice to see small fixes like this being made.

my only regret is not to have a shammy named tesla…

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Finally received a poster in the mail today we ordered during the RWF from Echo stream campaign. Just couldn’t not get it. :grin:

h ttps://imgur.com/gallery/84vFaH1

(Because I don’t know how to highlight link stuff)


Edit: We will now never forget Dragonflight’s wholesome message. Nods.


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Thanks, Puny! :partying_face:

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Every week (usually on reset) we get the same guild achievements, over and over


Ended up healing heroic while being quite undergeared(or at least compared to my guild’s gear requirements?)because they were lacking a healer. Healing heroic for the first time as holy was very stressful at first but god was it fulfilling by the end. Obviously some people expected more of me for… skill reasons, but I know i did my best and it felt great. Can recommend :smile:


Well I got this Coiled Serpent Idol trinket from the vault and I like the way it works.
It at least made me not scowl, which is close to a smile.


I’ll help you level void Aly if you like?

At this point, I’m just playing because I enjoy playing the game but never really do anything too punishing in it. I never play with anybody so it might make a nice change.


finally killed normal fyrakk


No, thank you :smile: she’s meant to stay at level 20, as that’s the trial level cap and i can play with her anytime, even during breaks. Sometimes someone needs help or i just want to check on the trading post without actually paying for game time and having a dedicated character for that is convenient. Also my actual priest is 70 and pretty much my main nowadays. She is meant to save my demon hunter’s old name, server and the forum history as well. I figured it’d be nice to keep that rather than move and start anew.

Although that can change, I won’t mind joining every now and then

WM just became a whole lot less dangerous!!!


Ah, I see. That makes sense! Yeah, it’s weird because I’ve quite a few things done in my time on WoW but never really speak to anybody or anything like that.

Sure, I’ll give you a shout and will do something. I don’t play at a high level but I do low keys and lower level raid stuff, and mount hunting etc etc.

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New record for a quick clear in mage tower for me \o/ 3 pulls as protection paladin. I wanted that set so much but only tried the retribution/holy challenges before and that was no fun. I’m surprised just how strong the ranged abilities are, I could kind of…cheese the fight with this i feel like.

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