šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Pugged my way up to 3k+ score with my ele shaman.

This also made me play higher this season than my old group that I left 2 seasons ago. Showing that I dont need any of them: TAKE THIS SUCKERS!

Not sure if I will grind higher, since ele still sucks and its not fun being that far behind compared to the top specsā€¦ we will see.

With the changes, Microsoft is going to implement at Blizzard, I donā€™t know what the future holds.
All I know is: I wish, I could find an excuse to tell my company, to be off, until, the next expansion is out.
Thereā€™s so much stuff I want to do in Dragonflight, that I would probably need 16 hours a day to play it (assuming, I would go, no life mode, eating fast food and take out) :frowning_face:

That tells how Iā€™m loving this expansion :grinning:
Yes, yes, people didnā€™t liked the ending cinematic and other stuff as well, but I consider my time well spent in this expansion. Iā€™m having fun and thatā€™s all it matters to me :+1:

Edit: Iā€™m loving the bonus, given by LFR.
Today, I checked, which role was getting bonus, than choosing a character that, didnā€™t had that LFR done and: profit :money_mouth_face:


When I did the superbloom on my DK I got a powerful tank weapon, which has decent offhealing utilities when transformed. Quite the little gift if you ask me. :')



Re-did the worgen starting zone. I love it


Not strictly for WoW use, but new pc peripherals today! :smile: Bought a bundle of mouse/keyboard/headset as I badly needed to replace the mouse; it had whacked sensitivity on the wheel, if I didnā€™t stop rolling it in exact spots, it would just scroll several lines up again. Annoying for reading, browsing and gaming. I also got a mouse mat (didnā€™t know that was included) which I had just this morning been thinking I should probably have too. No need to dig out my expansion CEs to grab one of those then.

A new headset was also a good idea since the mic/earphone splitter on my old headset had the micā€™s pin broken off. The new headset came with such a splitter though, so I can keep using the old headset now and the new one is a good spare for when I eventually need to replace this for whatever reason.

I havenā€™t switched out the keyboard yet, but my current one suits me just fine still and I donā€™t imagine Iā€™ll ever need to replace it since itā€™s an indestructible Microsoft keyboard. Keyboards and mice are two of the things they make that are actually any good.


Except now your keyboard knows youā€™ve bought a replacement keyboard and will be upset and will break at an inappropriate moment just to be spiteful. Be careful running any dungeons until you make sure your keyboard is friends with you again :dracthyr_hehe_animated:



Letā€™s not cheat on that poor keyboard now, shall we :disappointed_relieved: that plastic pane of buttons has a heart too!

So donā€™t break that one.

Break a keybind instead, thereā€™s a hundred of those!

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After not having much interest in playing lately Iā€™ve logged in to do the event races and got all the golds.


I fixed my battle.net problem. I had to uninstall and reinstall every day day since SoD came out. they must have changed some compatibility thing with that update, After all this time all I had to do was troubleshoot compatibility to make it work for windows 8 which is unsupported now since late last year. Now it displays correctly instead of a blank screen.

This problem near had me quit, although I didnā€™t want to.

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A huge thank you to the WoW team :+1:
All that gold and the profit, Iā€™m making from the satchels that keep being rewarded on LFR for doing vital roles are not only increasing the gold I have, but they now, allow me to finally buy weapon enchants (rank 1) :partying_face:


So it finally happened, after 63 weeks the plans for the Mecha-Mogul mount dropped. :dracthyr_uwahh_animated: Already bought one ages ago as I assumed Iā€™d never get the plans, expulsom farming aside Iā€™ve been here so long that I have enough parts to make 6 of them, just from killing the last boss. :weary:


I finally finished legendary dagger questline on my rogue; double legendary mog dream became true :face_holding_back_tears:


Smiling, because for once I have remembered not to log on today/reset and get my chores done and to leave it till tomorrow to time it with the 1st of the month and the trading post chores :+1::grinning:


I wish Iā€™d remembered that an hour or so ago ā€¦

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Today, was opening vault time, for many of my characters :grin:
All of them got upgrades, except for my BE Priest :sob: she got a new Transmogg and that was it. She paid the price of getting too many good items on LFR.
It was heartbreaking :broken_heart: in some cases to pick the good trinket/item over the appearance, I didnā€™t had, like my BE Warrior. I had to pass on a ILV 441 2h mace I didnā€™t had the appearance, for a pair of boots with higher ILV and better stats.


While looking up some things for SOD, I spotted comments that Healing Stream Totemā€™s healing scales with +healing gear. So I picked up a couple of +9 healing hammers from the auction house to test things out.

Without the healing hammers:

Healing Stream Totem heals you for 6.

And with both hammers equipped:

Healing Stream Totem heals you for 7.

I have hopefully ā€˜curedā€™ my ā€˜change raceā€™ habit by leveling 2 alts to max level.


This oneā€¦


And this one.