šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Soaring around Kalimdor as my dracthyr alt is so fun.

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After a few month break, finding out that Dreambound gear has scaled a bit since 10.2 and also the fact that thereā€™s now a much easier and quicker way to grind Flightstones, making this patch all the more alt-friendly.


You have no idea how happy this makes me - the final piece in the Sojourner achievements complete.
The follower tank was a bit of a dimwit (amended from the word I was originally going to use) in that she decided that running through all the groups of mobs was a really good idea. Seriously it wasnā€™t. We had one wipe and, later on, a dead healer thanks to that.
Are they trying to prepare people for what they might meet in a real dungeon? :rofl:


While questing in the Barrens in SOD, I came across a battle between a quillboar and a Forsaken warrior. The warrior only had a tiny sliver of health left but I was able to get a healing wave off just in time.


I did Hall of Infusion as my follower dungeon ā€¦ how wonderful it was to get the end (or almost the end I think) of the Tyr story doing the after-quests. (Didnā€™t like the fighting mechanics when I was being Tyr though).


Finally, I managed to have time to play some WoW :partying_face:
I managed to get all LFR raids, necessary for this Wednesday on my: 2 BE Holy Paladins, BE MW Monk, Tauren Resto Druid, Troll Resto Shaman, Forsaken Holly Priest and my BE Holy Priest. Unfortunately I couldnā€™t have the strength to do it, on my Pandaren Monk :frowning_face:
I even had to skip cooking and buy a dominos pizza :pizza::pensive: otherwise I would starve. After that, I was too tired and went to bed :sleeping:


Lately Iā€™ve been doing so much alt stuff, I think Iā€™m starting to enjoy the game as much as I did in BFA, I just want to do more and more.

For example last night in LFR people were chatty, there was also this blood elf hunter who couldnā€™t figure her way over to fyrakk. Everyone waited, I went to help her, everyone waited again, everyone was nice about it, then we single pull killed him too (Also i won a tie between 3 99 rolls :sweat_smile:) I hope that people who consider the game toxic have more experiences like this and get to appreciate them. I love like 90% of the time i spend here honestly


I was checking, some characters and they had too much gold :face_with_raised_eyebrow: I usually have, between 1k-3k gold, but these characters had around 10k gold :hushed:
I wondered :thinking: ā€œWhere did, all of this gold :moneybag: came from ?ā€
Today I realised what was happening :face_with_monocle: it was the bonus satchel, that the game provides you with, for fulfilling a role that is required.
I regret playing my BE Warrior andy BE Hunter now :frowning_face:
Luckily, I still have 7 healers that havenā€™t done this week LFR :money_mouth_face:


FINALLY got my solar spirehawk today, guess i can use the 16 free hours a week i would normally spend farming it with my bazillion alts to figure out WHY the heck i do this :smiley:


My Troll Shaman, earns this weekā€™s prize for the luckiest character.
I won 2 rolls, for a LFR boss,one of the items was a shield :shield: Defender of the Ancient ILV 441. The other was, I think: a chest piece, Ancient Haulbark ILV 441.
But the greatest luck of the day was: winning a Transmogg roll, for a piece I didnā€™t needed, except for my Transmog library :hushed:
First time, ever, I won a Transmog roll :partying_face:
Drakestalkerā€™s Trophy Pauldrons ILV 441.
The irony is: I might actually needed it. Because it has crit and versa,which are better than my currently item,that has, crit, haste and avoidance.



Not today, but timed my first +15 in ages with my guild (an Everbloom). was fully expecting to be carried to hell and back twice over, but thought i did ok

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While doing weeklies to get my alts geared up (Fyrakk Assaults, Time Rifts, etc) I defeated the Emerald Dream world boss in a group and got an ilvl 460 piece of gear to drop for one of my alts. I really should watch a guide on Amirdrassil to at least do LFR there sometime soon.

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I will suggest, the guides from Team Liquid MMO. I lost too much time watching guides, some of them, several times, that were recommended by YouTube, but in the end, I still made the mistakes :frowning_face:
The one I watched, from Fyrakk was, short, explicit and concise.


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Thanks! Iā€™ll be sure to give those guides a watch real soon.

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Had a bad night, woke up early so went to Zereth Mortis, as you do! Low and behold the Paragon finally gave me my missing mount recipe!!!


Today, I just realized how OP, Paladins, Monks and especially Druids are.
They can Tank, Heal and DPS. Which means if a role has bonus, like now, LFR Incarnates Wake, Call To Arms: Damage, they can just switch spec and queue and get the reward, once completed :money_mouth_face:


Congrats :smile: and here I am with my rep still being at revered for 2 years by now!

I could salute anyone who still visits SLā€™s content at this point.


Yesterday, I did something very weird :flushed:
I was listening to a YouTube playlist, with songs like these two:

Natalie Cole - Miss You Like Crazy

Billy Ocean - Thereā€™ll Be Sad Songs (To Make You Cry)

My Laptop :computer: temperature, goes up, when I play WoW, so I was listening to the playlist from my phone :iphone:
LFR pops up and I have headphones :headphones: connected to the laptop :computer: on top of the earphones, connected to the phone :iphone:

Listening to these songs, made me actually stop bashing the keyboard in stress and play calmly :innocent:
Since the vast majority of times, I play as a healer, that (weirdly) made sense.


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