🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

Last 4 quests required for “Abominable Lives” appeared this week and I was able to finish “Back from the Beyond”. Gladiator mounts from Shadowlands are my favourite. Unarmored version also looks great, thanks to the Blizzard for giving us a chance to obtain such a great mount.

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Doing keys with friends has been a blast for the last two days.


Long time no see. Been a while since I posted over here. I hope all are going well!



Phosphorescent Stone Drake, Vile Fiend, Biletooth Gnasher, Vitreous Stone Drake, Drake of the North Wind, and Rivendare’s Deathcharger, all in relatively short time. Two of them yesterday. :partying_face:
Tried “follower dungeons” and they’re pretty good idea even though the tank pulls 20 mobs simultaneously and we all die. Still better than pugs.


Timewalking dungeons are a lot smoother than I thought. I was worried they’d be over-tuned since Blizzard said they’ll be making Heroic dungeons this season M0-difficult, but every run I did with some alts went pretty well. I’m hoping it’s the same case with DF Heroic dungeons.


Buy a lottery ticket!


there was one orc warrior that gave me a good impression when i joined a full BT timewalking run on my warrior(for the weekly quest)
he looted a crown of empowered fate helmet put it up for roll i rolled 80
nothing happened had to whisper him he trades me
i thank him think one of the other people(first time druid tank?) called him a man of honor
we kill the council 2 people leave leader is confused why?
so i respond they are loot locked on illidan due to a illidan skip group
but i was also loot locked on him but stayed anyway and we beat him

joined for all bosses and the helmet(and plate wrists) stayed for the deathsworn rep
and because its my favourite raid
tho i still miss the 2h axe the war tier-like gloves and one belt


Old M0 wasn’t really difficult, just required better gear than what you’d need in old heroics. Since queued heroics have an ilvl requirement you shouldn’t run into any trouble as long as you meet it.


Yesterday’s bugged dig quest works today again and remembered my progress. Was still a bit buggy to get it to work but I got it done!


Got in an active guild and they’re very friendly and chill.
Over are the days of silent chat and senseless drama.
Valthy is a free elf! :woman_elf:


speaking of good news
think there was a bug of sorts? letting me queue my hunter alt in awakened vault lfr(without item level 463)
hope they dont roll back her vault because of this(i never exploit)
did bt full run got 1 493 cloak a pair of 493 gloves and from the tw weekly a 502 ilvl neck which brought her ilvl from 451 to 463
should be fine?


I won 60 days of WoW cause I got r1 frost DK in last BTM.
I’m not a rank 1 player at all but 60 days are welcome and was a fun event :smile:


RNGesus was kind to me on heroic Sark and out of 20 or so evokers I was the only one to get the legendary drop.


Got to try my first +10 today

Didn’t time it but was good experience and vault ofc.

Two things made me very happy and made me smile yesterday
Coming back and dusting off my elf hunter boi had a wonderfull RP session that ended up with me bitten by a Worgen guy - then I tought… why not? And race changed from a High Elf (Void, I knooooow) to a Worgen.
With a very time consuming tiral and error managed to copy my old elven look so when I use the Orb of Sin’dorei it totally mimics my old look! So now I am a Worgen Curse afflicted Elf who can assume his old form for a five min. To my outmost surprise so far everyone was super firendly and welcoming to the silly idea (well not that silly, Worgen curse is not human or Night elf exclusive technically)
My second source of joy was the fact, in a day from 430 went to 480 with super lucky chest, TW raid, LFR and finally normal vault drops
It was a good day


finally i acquired the hat from pyramid scheme!


Been having a great time in game recently. Joined a discord for M+ and made a good friend in-game who is new to it like me, and we’ve been having a blast learning the mechanics and clearing each M0 this week. Getting rewards and improving feels good alone, but being able to celebrate those wins with a friend feels even better. Been properly getting set up with addons as well for the first time and it’s like the game is fully opening up to me.


This came up in my Facebook memories from 9 years ago today … I remember being so proud of myself and it still makes me smile.


… been stuck at 499/500 individual mounts for ages, even though have 529. Had a light bulb moment and popped to Zereth Mortis to grind 500 genesis motes so I could make the Serenade mount.

Got the genesis motes, popped to the place to make the mount, made it and nothing registered… there were a few expletives and then used the portal back to Valdrakken to think about another mount. Logged off and then noticed that my DK had some auction house mail so logged on to check and guess what! … the achievement registered with her! :tada::+1::grinning: - so happy that its finally done - have 530 mounts now!


THose achievements are still based on who can mount the most, so who has access to the most mounts. The DK is probably the one with their extra charger for you :wink: