šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

I havenā€™t been very lucky with ā€˜dungeonā€™ mounts. I have the Rivendare Deathcharger and that took me several hundreds of runs. And now the Ashes.

Iā€™m going for the Raven Lord now, but itā€™s a chore moving all those alts to old instances and back.
But we will persevere. :+1:


Donā€™t forget Mythic Nā€™zoth too if you need him! Though the raid is very long and heā€™s quite tanky on Mythic, think it was about 29m hp plus all the intermissions etc. :sob:

Really looking forward to Pandaria remix! I still need quite a few mounts, I kinda stopped farming a bit once I heard about it, plus I will most likely level a lot of new characters. :joy:
It was ok but Iā€™m really bored of 60-70 in Dragonflight leveling now, so an alternative is very welcome.

Yeah, soloed him last night. That took a while but thatā€™s fine, though I wonā€™t recommend to anyone to just spam it over and over :smile:

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Despite having to play with one hand for reasons I managed to do 2 M+ runs, even ran into friends while at it (:

also the tank didnā€™t rotate like a beyblade in uldaman for a change

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Yeah same here, Iā€™m just going to solo it once a week while getting the skip quest done as the raid is so long, if I get lucky on the way and the mount drops before then, then great! :sweat_smile: Iā€™m not sure if raid skips will be account wide in TWW but would be fantastic if so!

Finished Loremaster of Northrend on classic today, just need a few Outland zones and Kalimdor now.

I donā€™t know why I did this, I donā€™t even like Northrendā€¦

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I got my Duelist today.
This means I managed to reach my rating goal during all 4 Dragonflight seasons. I am most pleased with myself.


Me pretending that I am mad jokingly, while I am all happy for a friend that he got TWW Alpha access.

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Tanked my first ever M0 dungeons today. Actually went not too bad, surprisingly. Also got 3 upgrades across those 2 dungeons which felt great.


closes adult side on mobile browser

Ah well, I can understand your pain :frowning:

Itā€™s not tanks doing so many whirls per second, itā€™s arms warriors doing a blade BOOOOOONE STOOOOORM! :skull:

Finished the TW weekly and got the trinket Zeus would wear if he played WoW. Along with my other drops from my runs, I got an extra 5 ilvl.


Itā€™s not a Manic Grieftorch or anything, but close enough I suppose, and Iā€™d have to kill Mommy Raszageth to get it otherwise. Performed very well on the world boss :smile:


''You have added the mount Nyā€™alotha Allseer to your collection."


Tanked some more M0s today. Very smooth HoI and Azure Vault runs. Think Iā€™m going to try tanking timed keys later this week.


after many wipes and mass leaving(on diurna and raz normal fated due to screw ups) i found one group to kill dathea/broodkeeper and raz(and judging by how quick we went to last phase a very consistent group too)
and got my wilderling mount
got aesirs edge on my war from xt from timewalking ulduar after many runs on normal without rng dropping it
got a nice dk like hero helmet from yogg weekly
well that and traded the wrist from raz to this guy in exchange for the 2h axe
later i upgrade it and get both normal and heroic appearences

I really liked the Draenei quest chain. Theyā€™d put a lot of thought into it ā€¦ and it was nice to be back where we started.


Having fun with Destro AoE after finding a guide on how to actually do it. :smiley:

So initially, I preferred to use Cataclysm to spread Immolate and do Channel Demonfire after, similarly to how you aoe as a spriest (where you again needed dots).

Found out it was complicated as I could drop both spells and just spec Inferno, and I donā€™t rely on immolate with that build (a few out are still handy). If many enemies are hit, I get a truckload of shards to use and I literally get to spam an instant aoe more and more frequently. Having infernals up from either my CD and procs just amplifies it even further.

Tried it yesterday on my dash to 70, and boy it was really fun, and on top of that I topped the dmg meters in TWā€™s :joy:

Technically was yesterday, but writing the post now.

I permanently cleaned out 19 slots of inventory and added another 7 by upgrading a couple of bags that were old :grinning:. Vendored all my pvp gear; I was going to grind 1800 rating in arenas with a friend when this new season started and had also taken care of various crap thatā€™s heaped up in real life over the last couple months since I donā€™t need the additional stress of pvp piled on top. As such I had acquired entry level gear from doing some epic battlegrounds. But last week when going to ask if it was arena time I noticed I had silently been unfriended on Battlenet and sometime later also on Discord where he had painstakingly manually deleted every message sent. Guess he was afraid of them being taken out of context and used against him as he likes doing to other people. I suppose he either got tired of waiting to get started on the season or was unhappy about how I didnā€™t respond to the two dozen messages he would regularly send on Discord at night, while I was asleep and offline, about his latest forum member or arena player grievance.

I also saw in the patch notes prior to logging in that they had done an update concerning the rostrum and hoped maybe they had finally fixed the retroactive rewarding for onyx grotto netherdrake scales. They had! :smile: Finally been able to recreate Onyxian from TBC in his high res dragonriding glory. The teal colouration just isnā€™t amazing imo and the purple is eww.

Just waiting for remix to go live now since I have an awesome name set aside for it. Unless itā€™s already live and Iā€™m just missing something really obvious on character selection/creation.

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I decided to wait for the event by fishing in the legion Dalaran fountain and I got 5 coins I havenā€™t yet to progress the achievement. Only 1 more to go.

Edit: OK so as time went I kept updating this post and now I got them all actually. Guess I can go eat or something to pass the 15 minutes before the event starts.


names i tried for mix for my female belf paladin were taken so i went with Melyssa
and on lindariel i got the ulduar paladin legs/kilt item so i made a female blademaster mog

hide chest bloodscale wrist belt boots and the conqueror aegis legplates
aye also lvl 17 in remix continuing tomorrow

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Oh my - had to force myself to stop playing remix till tomorrow, totally addictive and overwhelming as I want to go and do everything now!
ā€¦ level 17 :+1:

I have a feeling I may be off sick from work next week :grin::flushed:


well this is different i got enough bronze on melyssa and i had a choice of 3 cosmetic versions of the korkron dark shaman set
i bought the yellow colour and mogged it right away
guess this skips me grinding siege for it(when my shaman isnt level 70)

After some experiences I avoid that app like the plague. I still have an account but I donā€™t have the app on my phone nor installed on my PC. (I use Discord web lmao)
I met a few people last season and there was a particular guy that was always asking for Discord calls, I guess people just want to talk with others but idk was really annoying.
Ultimately he deleted me from bnet cause I always denied his requests; just want to listen to music, chill or complain me to me :joy:

Totally unrelated and nobody asked but felt like sharing.