🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

surprise xiv servers getting ddosed again
wonder why dont the wow admins or whatever give them some spare servers that
wont let you instant disconnect from a ddos attack

Wish companies were that close haha

that is wishful thinking glad we agree on that haha
just dumb some random ddosers have to ruin everyone elses fun like that
ah right the 7 combat rezes i did notice that in one m0 RLP run

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Finally found the 10th ordinary rock and have have the Island archivist title!


I finally got the Ashes of Al’ar. Gave up years ago, decided to give it another try and on my 8th alt… Bingo! :champagne:


The curse has been lifted and Fyr’alath, the Dreamrender is mine. (I’m so glad I did professions this expansion so I didn’t have to spend any of my 0 gold)

I needed to find out: Mythic Ny’alotha was entirely soloable. 480something ilvl (: I just know the mechanics but it shouldn’t be TOO hard to learn


nice gz
and the ddosers are back at it again

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Speaking of which, I looted Mimiron’s Head on my 2nd run ever back when I started on retail but I never used it because it was way too noisy.

If anyone else here in the same boat, I’ve recently discovered that Blizzard “nerfed” the noise generated by that mount. It is therefore completely usable, much to my enjoyment.

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Logged on to this - https: / /ibb.co/hCQxd5g

I was tentative to join in but it was tentalizing. Tent out of tent from me.

I fell over the Qalashi War Party today - I hadn’t realised how many of them there were when I attacked the elephant.
I didn’t die though I was beginning to run out of self-heal options when a brave L62 monk appeared and we finished them off.
The monk then said that I was amazing … I don’t think I was but no-one’s ever said that to me ingame before so there was a smile and a tear.


Also, if you see someone do something you think is good ingame, tell them so/congratulate them. It might mean a lot more to them than you realise.


Really looking forward to this

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Thinking about it, timerunning is a very good excuse to actually go back to the farm! That’s exciting!


I haven’t been back there for ages. It’s probably a complete mess :slight_smile:


Hate to break it to you but there are no tillers or anglers in remix as there are no professions.

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:dracthyr_uwahh_animated: At least you told me earlier, thank you


well this is awkward these ddosers have been hitting the (other) games servers for 7 days straight now

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