🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

I got my huntard alt to 30 this night in BCC… so time to mount up! :t_rex::t_rex:


Getting the third boss raid mount…Only 5 attempts too. Nice


Its been said a million times but the MB issue is finally getting fixed after 16 years or so.

We got an easy Gruul’s Lair kill with my guild (Hydraxian - Sparks on Horde), Maulgar died on 4th and Gruul on 3rd try with the casual team! (Could have been the second one if it wasn’t for the first shatter killing 4 DPS, as the big bad giant had 150k HP remaining :joy::joy:)

wow it self made me smile the entire game
Riding with my wolf through green fiields with the sun in my back
meeting another friendly player
meeting that amazing random dungeon group that makes you feel like you know them for years
Going through the dark portal for the first time and the charge through the dark portal in the warlords of draenor launch .
exploring pandaria for the first time
that human warrior that saluted and acted with chivalry in pvp and that gnome mage i used to meet and duel in lvling zones he had some epic duels and some very funny moments chasing each other around arathi highlands he he .
killing garosh seconds!! before server shut down with the last message being GLORY!
exploring an old raid every nook and cranny just for the feel of it
looking for random pieces of lore
all the things i did with the guilds i was with and the laughs we had
going on a wild goose chase to see if a rumor about an old gods skeleton is real ( best part of the game for me those explorations he he )
The first lich king kill and northrent in all it’s frozen glory
getting that last piece of armor that completes the set
all those “omg! so close” wipes ha ha ha
the guy in my server who ninja looted everything! every time! someone was foolish enough to take him in a run and then always bragged about it in trade chat causing hilarious!!! dialogues
making the best RP set and meeting another rper
i can’t play anymore my pc is too old i didn’t want to quit i had too because i don’t have money the last thing i did in wow is ride through kalimdor and northrent and thats the first i’ll do if i ever get to play with a decent pc (i tried it’s just unplayable with this potato)

The realisation that the majority of my guild never get grumpy for failing the timer on M+.

Even if it’s just a +13.

Even if we probably should have timed it.

Nobody gets angry. Everyone points out the moment during the run when they screwed up, we realise that we all screwed up somewhere, we decide that bolstering fortified sucks, we go away happy.

These people are why I don’t quit, even when the game is in a state of utter pish.


Sabriel (rare in Maldraxxus) dropped a


i am so ritch now idk how to wase all my gold even :rofl:

give some to me >.>

Got to hand it to you Puny, made me smile too.

today a guild mate asked me if i might consider tanking in our raid because one tank is quitting and the other one takes a break because his wife is due with child number two soon (congratulations!).

my tanks name is Basil and this is the message i received out of the blue:


i think i laughed for five minutes straight. literally made my day.


The Revendreth-part of this week’s Campaign Chapter. As an opposite to the gruesome Maldraxxus part.

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thanks Dee, the picture kills me everytime i see it. :joy:


First time having my main on Draenor.
Seems a pretty active realm so far even at late hours (of course, is one of the biggest Horde realms).

Will see how it goes.


Doing keys with friends last night, so many laughs! Not much timing tho :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


reminds me of two days ago where i tanked some lower keys with my tank. havent tanked in a good while so i had to get used to all the key binds again and whatnot and i occassionally just dashed out of bear form with the nightfae ability sending me in a frenzy. :joy: had me in stitches over my own stupidity…

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i just finished a m+ run and got a necklace with socket i didnt need but couldnt trade away because the one i had was worse.
tank asked if he can have it but i sadly had to decline. i then went and upgraded my necklace so this wouldnt happen again and then i noticed that the blue text on the necklace appeared again. so i took my chances and whispered the tank if he wanted to try trading it and…it worked! i was able to give the necklace away, which made me happy. :smile:


Was getting camped by some paladin in the new zone. My character hit max a short while ago so I struggle hard against non elite mobs, a geared player can effectively 3-shot me. Anyway, this guy ganks me 3 times as I try to escape and he’s spamming emotes I can’t understand (typical AD human male ret in my experience).

So he’s probably thinking I’m running away from his awesomeness but what I’m doing is trying to get close to the edge of the map and I eventually make it there and when he attacks me again I just throw him off the map with my knockback ability. That made me smile.

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