šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

RPing with my guild last night, just have so much fun with them!

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Doing Torghast with my boyfriend. He makes it fun and engaging. I make it awful :smiley:


Campaign number 15 done


Just a NF plate char to go then 16/16 all basic coven mogs done .


I applaud your dedication. Was my intention to do that, however unless they make it a lot easier then leather will be end for me.

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I did my daily HC Mana Tombs with a very suboptimal group. Our group was:

  • an undergeared pally tank in blues
  • an undergeared pally healer, again in blues
  • a rookie shadow priest
  • a more or less okay fury warrior dying to all the cleaves
  • and last but not least, my healer booty going Smite in non-dps gear (no offset for it yet).

A run generally takes 45 mins, but ours lasted 2 whole hours. That was because we didnā€™t have a CC, proper AoE, no cookies nor buns, no Bloodlust, and only 1 interrupt for the many important enemy castsā€¦ and our tank didnā€™t have shadow resist gear for Pandemonius. We had wipe after wipe, even stopped to make repairs.

I doubted we could make it with all the mistimed heals, runaway mobs, body pulls, us being feared into other packs - but finally we reached the end.

Our tank was afraid what weā€™d think of him, but told him it was alright. He was still learning, and practise makes perfect. The other 4 of us had their share of mess-ups as well. We made amends, and finished the run off, almost wiping to Shaffar, but no one was whining, we were happy to be done. :slightly_smiling_face:

I do pity our spriest Manaless - she didnā€™t have the daily. Poor girl :frowning:


I finally hit rival! Just donā€™t check my win/lose ratio LOL


I would say something but then i took a look at my own. Playing inconsistently and in a comp that iā€™m not too used to probably didnā€™t help.

Always nice to hit a milestone for the first time though, no matter the win/loss ratio.

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Yeah thatā€™s what I was saying too! Never got that high so was quite pleasedā€¦ canā€™t see myself getting higher but I guess Iā€™ll never know!

Should be possible, even if there is a bit of a gap before the next reward level at 2100. Mostly iā€™ve found it to be a matter of playing consistently with someone else who also wants to learn and push and then think some about what you couldā€™ve done better after most games. Even something small like better positioning can go a long way if you keep noticing it midgame and try to correct it.

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Joined a new guild

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Thereā€™s two Aethril Cluster-WQs up in Azsuna right now. Easy 60 Aethril from only two picks!

Finally found some motivation to level some alts recently (only from 50)


My friend (BM Hunter iLvl 218) and me (SP iLvl 230) 2-personed Spires of Ascension tonight. Not much to most people Iā€™m sure but as our first attempt at a SL dungeon together, I was proud of what we did. (I did die quite a lot ā€¦ him, not so much).


Being able to comfortably solo Operation Mechagon first 4 bosses - another mount hunt beings! (well continues)

I tried a while back and got owned, I didnā€™t seem to take any damage, took an age to channel the pylon solo though.

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just got curve, thanks for joining Puny :smile:


It was a pleasure!!


2 more pieces for my Kyrian mog done so i am happy .

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All done. OCD now happy :slight_smile: Full set of 252s (donā€™t play Veng but I did like the different numbers). Cheating as DH I know, a lot less than other specs.


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Just missing one item from Kyrian and Venthyr set now to complete. Fingers crossed that gets done this week.