šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

I didnt do it, because my class has the ugliest mog in the whole universe, why bother :face_vomiting:

Yup, many hunter mogs are screwed up (or donā€™t look great on an elfā€¦ I had difficulty finding good pieces even for faction pride, let alone for the class itself :sweat_smile:)

Hmmā€¦ that rhymed! :eyes:


Iā€™m not sure they look good on any race :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:. Example is the new tier set, bleh, Although itā€™s not put on an elf.

Iā€™m this gal up there^^ :frowning:
Happy i unlocked the black eyes for night elves. Now i HAVE to make some nelf, although i have a druid one, i cant play them :frowning:

Checked my status and it says Iā€™m a regular nowā€¦ so testing it out

Edit: YAY!!!



Now be good and do not lose it like Twil :stuck_out_tongue:


That which has a whip also has a leashā€¦

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I just got Gnawed Reins of the Battle-Bound Warhound, the other day. :grinning:

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I saw the thread about free migration on the tbc classic part of the forum still going and people still asking for free transfer lulz that made my day ha ha ha ha !


Had RP in Classic HW and it was wholesome retail needs to go back to world building and more grounded stories instead of this current Marvel/DBZ crap

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Armory seems to be working again


Only the TBC era is dead? Damnā€¦ :frowning:


No Classic is dead as well but I RPed with friends

S is pretty active but thereā€™s no RP server there

3/7 MT done. Windwalker monk was easy after creating a few macros but long.
/tar Fel Surge Totem
/cast Crackling Jade Lightning
Another macro
/tar Tugar Bloodtotem
/cast Spear Hand Strike
Can make it more easy for you.

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Trying againā€¦I guess?

My Crit chance (on alt) made me smileā€¦

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I once had 420 spell power on my mage in a dungeon, and also did the exact same dps in a fight. :rofl:

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Dear cute Jesus Lord. Can you confirm that this was in RETAIL and not in tbc/vanilla/waeffa?

Nvm, I will send you my first in-game born child via mail. You deserve it

PS. My Alt pleb is was lvl 20 at the time

This was in TBC at I think Ramps? Might still have the screenshot I edited afterwards.