šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

With a little imagination they can be made look good.
You just transmogg the cheapest parts :wink:

Vanilla characters:

The Shaman was brought back from deletion :arrow_up:

TBC characters:

Character created during a free trial 7 days period I donā€™t recall when (brought back from deletion):

Legion characters:

BFA characters:
Funny fact: this is when BoE Glaives started dropping and I had to create a DH.

Legion, low level alts characters, deleted and brought back:

Characters created during SL:

Darker characters created in Legion (probably) :

Darker characters created during SL :

Nameless adventurers (Free to play), created when I was unsubscribed before September 2022:

Edit: Character creation dates, corrected.

Edit 2: I forgot this guy, made during SL, because I wanted all the Horde basic races (Allied races excluded):

I always forget I have this guy :roll_eyes: .
This is my 25th character.
