šŸŒ· Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

I did a relative smooth Halls of Lightning run and received this nice hammer at last from Loken!

He also dropped the shoulder token to buy this itemā€¦

And with it, Iā€™m full epic and I have a nice load of hit rating too :3

Iā€™m a happy elf.

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Doing and timing my first M+ 10 todayā€¦ I hate not knowing how to do something and letting people down so avoided thunderingā€¦ Well I said Iā€™d never done it before but got invited anyway, nice community run, easily timed (and no deaths from me :slight_smile: ) ā€¦ well it was nothing to worry about at all really (as things tend to be :slight_smile: )

Same community -raids 7/8N (8 WILL go down tonight - 4/8H.)

After my pugging woes of Shadowlands (good - ā€˜chilledā€™ ) communities really have brought the game alive for me.

Raz down, after a 1% 3 million wipe was done a couple of pulls later. No loot though (14 raid bosses over three levels this week - one tier piece to replace the one tier piece I had).


Transmogg at higher level is too expensive, so I donā€™t do it.
I go Vanilla style, as you can see in this character.
My only exception, is the chest and boots, bought from crafting players, in the AH.
The Mail and Leather are cheap, to transmogg in to their right color counterparts, to complete my characters DF look.
I donā€™t transmogg crafted plate (too expensive) and crafted cloth (it looks amazing :heart:).

The downsides are evident: I canā€™t make my characters look like I want.
The upside is: I know exactly what they are wearing :laughing:
Today I had to go 25 level 61+ characters and find which ones had the crafted 316 cape and which didnā€™t. All I had to do was: turn them around in the log in screen :smile:

P.s. I had to move thios post from the frown section as this was a positive post :clown_face:

Edit: typing.


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Is it really that expensive? Itā€™s basically one race world quest :grin: Unless, of course, you havenā€™t made it to the current expansion


Itā€™s more of a income problem tbh. I donā€™t have a level 70 yet. Iā€™m leveling 25 characters at the same time as itā€™s easier to repeat the quests when they are freshly done.
Try to imagine, that my only source of gold comes from:

  • Selling: level 60, iLV 229/233 gear, I was planning to save for my alliance alts (no time for creating them) at higher prices (demand skyrocketed after DF launched), which now is exhausted. I got around 30k which now half of it is spent in level 61 iLV 308-316 crafted gear across 25 characters level 61-62. Engineer helmet, chest, boots, cloak, 1 ring and 1 neck.
  • What I got from doing the short quests till the first inn in DF: the embassy, accross 25 characters.
  • TW runs across 25 characters.

Iā€™m too tired to play during my work days so I just venture in to the AH looking for good deals to buy for my characters. For example 2 days ago, I had around 7 rings iLV 316 for level 61 characters at around 175g. Now someone probably purchased the whole batch and reposted them at 3999g.
Thatā€™s why, when this opportunities come, you have to be quick to act :frowning_face:

Luckily for me, I got everything I need, for all of my characters main specs.

You see the pre-patch event was supposed to provide for most of my characters with enough iLV to have a cake walk in DF. Oh boy, how was I wrong ā€¦

Scaling says hello :wave:

I was doing the initial chain quests given by Wrathion in which you have to talk with 3 spies and eliminate a female leader from a tribe that has been fighting them.
My fully enchanted BE Hunter main got obliterated by a normal NPC 3 times.
Each time she resurrected she got killed again. After almost being killed a 4th time I managed to take that NPC down and HS back to the embassy.

I went there with my BE Rogue and inspect what the hell was going down on that place.
Started the quest again and long behold the NPC that was killing my main was a level 70. Thatā€™s 9 levels what they were supposed to be fighting against. They were both at level 61.
I did the quests however the lava lake (dot and break stealth) that she had to cross multiple times, because I was trying to find the hidden spies, cost her to be killed once by that same level 70 NPC and after she teleported back to the embassy, I was met with 25g in repairs :angry:
I didnā€™t even noticed how much my BE Hunter had to pay in repair costs but it was probably 3 times more.

Thatā€™s why I decided to stop leveling and just gear up everyone.

Hereā€™s what I have to deal on a daily basis:

Bareria2 60 Hast/Versa- Head 316, Neck 316 Chest 313,
Wrist 308, Ring 316, Feet 308

Eruthiawen 60 Hast/Mast- Chest 310, Head 316, Neck 316,
Wrist 308, Ring 316, Feet 310

Fangroth 60 Hast/Mast - Head 316, Neck 316 Hast/VersaHast/Versa,
Chest 310, Wrist 308, Ring 316, Back 310, Feet 316

Valeria 60 - Head 316, Neck 316,
Chest 313 Hast/Versa 313 Hast/Mast, Wrist 308 Hast/Mast Hast/Versa
Ring 316, Back , Feet 316 Hast/Versa

Deidrid 60 Hast/Mast - Head 316, Neck 310,
Chest 310, Wrist 308, Ring 316,
Back 316 Hast/Versa, Feet 310

Strakar 60 Hast/Versa - Head 316, Neck 313,
Chest 310, Wrist 308, Ring 310, Back 316,
Feet 316 Versa/Mast

Blackhide 60 Crit/Mast - Chest 310, Neck 316 Hast/Mast
Wrist 308, Ring 316, Back 310 Hast/Mast Feet 308

Bareria 60 - Head 316, Chest 310 Hast/Versa Neck 310
Wrist 308 Hast/Versa, Ring 316,
Feet 308 Hast/Versa

Thorburn 60 (3) Hast/Crit - Head 316,
Neck 308, Chest 308, Wrist 308, Ring 316
Back 316, Feet 316

Aerlinniel 61 - Head 316 (rez), Neck 308,
Chest 310, Wrist 310, Ring 316 Back 316,
Feet 316,

Amazoner 60 Hast/Crit - Head 316 (rez),
Neck 316, Chest 308, Wrist 308, Ring 316
Feet 310

Valquirye 60 Hast/Mast - Head 316, Neck 316,
Chest 310, Wrist 313 (1 extra 313 Hast/Versa),
Ring 316, Back 316, Feet 308

Yazgash 60 Hast/Crit - Head 316, Neck 316,
Chest 313, Wrist 308, Ring 316, Feet 308

Thorpe 60 - Head 316, Neck 316, Chest 308
Wrist 308, Hast/Crit, Back 316, Ring 316, Feet 310 Hast/Crit

Aineldiel 61 - Head 316, Chest 308,
Neck 316, Wrist 308 vers/hast, Ring 316, Back 316 Versa/Mast
Feet 316

Cirelondiel 61 - Head 316, Neck 316,
Chest 308 vers/hast +reserve Wrist 308, Ring 316,
Feet 316

Cristiel 60 - Head 316, Neck 316, Chest 310,
Wrist 316, Ring 316, Back 316, Feet 316

Fiztask 61 - Head 316, Neck 316, Chest 308
Wrist 316, Ring 316, Back 316, Feet 316

Deluchanar 60 - Head 316, Neck 316,
Chest 308, Wrist 308, Hast/Crit, Back 316, Feet 316

Cherokee 60 - Head 316, Chest 310
Wrist 316 (1 308 extra), Ring 316, Feet 316

Kwangjo 60 - Head 316, Neck 316, Chest 310,
Wrist 316, Ring 316, Feet 316

Ammy 60 - Head 316, Neck 316
Chest 316, Wrist 316, Ring 316, Back 316, Feet 313

Naffurty 60 - Head 316, Neck 316,
Chest 316, Back 316, Wrist 316, Ring 316
Feet 316

Maranwethiel 61 - Head 316, Neck 313 Hast/Versa, 316 Mast/Crit
Chest 316 (x3), Back 316 Mast/Crit, Wrist 316 (x3), Ring 316
Feet 308 Hast/Versa

Valadhiel 61 Hast/Crit - Head 316, Neck 310
Wrist 316, Ring 316, Back 316, Feet 308 Crit/Versa

As you noticed Iā€™m not even mentioned the other slots that are not being equipped.
I also had to create a separate list for whatā€™s not enchanted, gemed and needs to be replaced.
The list is outdated as everyone is now on level 61.

Edit: typing and spelling


Well, the gear doesnā€™t seem to be an issue. You hit 70 with ~300 ilvl. The issue for your blood elf was that she fought something way higher than her and misses were way more often plus health scaling changes ALOT

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Mixed report - cleared a +20 Shadowmoon with my guild!

Buuutā€¦ I kind of ruined it by stepping into the frikking wall on the last boss. As the healer, thatā€™s kind of cripplingly problematic.

I mean, Iā€™m glad my character can handle the easiest +20, Iā€™m just shamed by my own incompetence :pensive:

With all due respect, trying to do that many characters is a problem - I see youā€™re an altoholic but I was like you at the start of SL and totally burnt out at it, doing Thorgast 10x2 times a week, 12 keys (1 for each class), world bosses and whatnotā€¦ take it slow! Just funnel resources into one character and go nice and snug. It wonā€™t too much make or break your alts if they have the crafted gear right away - secondaries are gonna inflate and go away by lvl67, even earlier. :smile:

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Yeah, I agree with you, itā€™s pretty madness.

During Vanilla, this character was my main and I had no desire to level my Orc Warrior past level 49 and my Troll Shaman past level 29.

During TBC my recently created Forsaken Priest took the role of main. I raided Karazhan with her and this character was my alt.

During Legion my recently created BE Hunter, was my main. I had used the boost on her. My BE Monk was the low level alt.

Hereā€™s a small story of what happened in my other account bought in UK during Legion launch. This happened when I came back to that account during BFA launch.
I was leveling 4 BE characters from level 1.
Paladin, Hunter, Rogue and a Priest.
The idea was leveling all 4 of them to level 120.
I had a level 110 boost that had came with BFA purchase. I used on my Paladin.
I thought in going back to level my other 3 characters and that never happened.
The thought of having to repeat all the quests I did on my Paladin up until the 1st Raid just made me gave up.

Back to this account, I used the BFA boost ony BE Mage.
I leveled 10 characters to max level when Korrakā€™s revenge was introduced the 1st time.

I didnā€™t purchased SL and thatā€™s where the other 15 characters were leveled. Through LFD. Old characters that were deleted, but brought back thanks to Blizzardā€™s new recovery button like my Troll Shaman from Vanilla. New characters created to fit BFA narrative (just in case the writers decide to go back to another ā€œmorally greyā€ story again).

I already see it will take a lot of time to reach level 70. Probably none will be doing this current Raid as another will be probably undergoing.

I only do TW, LFD, LFR and perhaps LFD in heroic level. Thatā€™s all.

Iā€™m aiming for the next pre-patch event and the last LFR of DF. Hopefully I can get the last raid boss down on LFR for all of my characters.

P.s. All of my characters, have max rested XP and because I donā€™t play any of them often, it means: Iā€™m always leveling with rested XP bonus.
Edit: typing.

Cheers :smile:

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It can be in the region of 800g if none void elf thats like 2 races and if you mog alot of chars Like Amaz x 25 chars it soon adds up.


They just arenā€™t getting mogged, maybe once


With a little imagination they can be made look good.
You just transmogg the cheapest parts :wink:

Vanilla characters:

The Shaman was brought back from deletion :arrow_up:

TBC characters:

Character created during a free trial 7 days period I donā€™t recall when (brought back from deletion):

Legion characters:

BFA characters:
Funny fact: this is when BoE Glaives started dropping and I had to create a DH.

Legion, low level alts characters, deleted and brought back:

Characters created during SL:

Darker characters created in Legion (probably) :

Darker characters created during SL :

Nameless adventurers (Free to play), created when I was unsubscribed before September 2022:

Edit: Character creation dates, corrected.

Edit 2: I forgot this guy, made during SL, because I wanted all the Horde basic races (Allied races excluded):

I always forget I have this guy :roll_eyes: .
This is my 25th character.



Oh, I have over 50. Iā€™m mogging all the time :grin:


After killing a rare and on lower health than comfortable, noticed a molten mining node
Cool, river is near, so no worries, mine it and cool off the debuff so wont burn to crisps
Great plan!
So I mined it and jumped in the river
ā€¦where a bunch of piranha tore me apart :rofl:
For some reason I failed to notice half a dozen hungry fish in the water
It was hilarious


Considering how few horde there are on the realm, I shall assume any horde I see is an alt of Amazoner :rofl:


Yup :+1:
Add that, the fact, when Kul-Tyras opened for transfers from Silvermoon (Alliance realm), most of the players that came here were Alliance.
Kul-tyras is connected to Anachronos and Alonsus.
I have 18 more characters in Alonsus, all: level 1 Bank characters :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
My situation is the opposite of Retributor.
If Iā€™m not mistaken he plays on Draenor a Horde dominated realm.
So, you have a higher chances of seeing Alliance from this realm, than Horde :laughing:

Looking back, from lore perspective, itā€™s obvious why Silvermoon (High Elves city, before Arthas tore it down) and Kul-Tyras (Human kingdom) were realms of choice for the Alliance players and not for Horde players.

But choosing good realms to play, was never my RL friend strong side. Back in Vanilla.
He chose Azjol-Nerub a Horde dominated realm to play ā€¦ Alliance.
I made the mistake of playing Bgs level 40-49 on his level 49 Human Paladin. While unsubscribed from my account.
I was getting defeats all the time there. The Horde players were always twinked and the Alliance players I was with were on leveling gear all the time :laughing:

This is my only Alliance character in this account:

I used to have a Human Paladin level 19 and a level 29 NE Hunter, in Kul-Tyras. But they got deleted a decade ago and I have no way to get them back.
Ironically I never deleted my NE Druid because I canā€™t.
Her GM left her in charge of his Guild when he left the game :open_mouth:
So I kept her as a memory of Vanilla. She never left Darnassus.
Thereā€™s no transmoggs options for this character. Darnassus donā€™t have that.

At the time I loved the more Human appearance of the Alliance vs the more monstrous races of the Horde, thatā€™s why I made those 3 characters.
But in TBC a race came in to the Horde that made me lose any desire to play Alliance: the Blood Elves.
They had Alliance looks and I could trade with them, on my Horde characters. Unlike my Alliance characters.

Now we can trade between characters of opposite factions, but my hands are full of Horde characters :frowning_face:

Edit: typing and sentences.


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Which community was that?? Pretty sure ive seen you in either SoD or tbe new one that was advertised recentlyā€¦

No Pressureā€¦ Been fantastic for raiding for meā€¦ SoD I have used for my few Mythic+'s. Got my first ten yesterday via a SoD group and someone giving me a chance. I have stopped even looking at group finder now.

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Reading the 10.0.5 patch notes for my class left me fairly optimistic. A number of problems are being addressed, and the result may be enough to overshadow the couple that remain.

(For the curious; still no smart healing on fistweaving so it can go to someone at 90% instead of the guy at 10%, and despite being buffed in M+, Revival remains a weak raid cooldown vs basically all other raid cooldowns. But we will be more reliable at keeping up our damage-to-heal mechanisms, have a cheaper cast heal, and some revamped caster talents. It might just make both melee and caster styles viable in all content, which would be great to see!)

While exploring Uldum, I came upon a place called Oasis of Virā€™sar. It had human NPCā€™s with Arab names like ā€œFarahā€ and ā€œSulahā€ and ā€œYasminā€

Farah is even wearing a headscarf/hijab.

And instead of stereotypical camels, they have horses instead. Probably reflecting Arabian horses.

I donā€™t know but the little representation made me happy and smile.

That is all