🌷 Something WoW Related That Made You Smile Today (Part 1)

I just finished doing, 5 TWs Dungeons, on my 2nd BE Paladin.


Most of the gear that drops now, is useless for her.
It saddens me, seeing that gear, going to waste, so usually, I lose some extra time inspecting the group.

There was a level 70, Zandalari Troll Blood DK, on our group. At first glance, his gear looked ok. He had a legendary chest ILV 291 and good rings for example. But upon close inspection, many of his items were bellow ILV 389. So I spent like 3 runs, passing gear to him.

He was so thankful, he wanted to reward me on our last run.
I told him, I do it for everyone, to not worry about it.
He replied, that he wanted to do it even more, as kind people should be rewarded.

In the end the only thing I didn’t pass to him, was a slotted Haste/Critical Strike ring :ring: that, my character needed. But I don’t think he need it, because he had good rings.

He gave me 2000g and we said goodbye :wave:

The irony is, I think this amount of gold, more than covers all the gear, I could have sold to the vendor but, I decided to pass to the players this TW week event, instead :smile:


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