šŸŽ­ GD Chat Room (Part 1)

Such cultured posts.

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man of kulterre


No its this really, kulterre

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woke up to some herd of reindeers once in lapland interested of my tent sniffing it outside and making noise, and one encounter with moose that we just stare each other on same trail but ive never seen bear or anything wilder than fox or few marmots which once ate hole on my tents wall to come eat friends bread which he had left conveniently to spread smell inside and we woke with these marmots running over sleeping bag :sweat_smile:

little bit jealous of sister heading work in north again on february so she gets free ski pass and free rent basically when they are working for the ski resort and then they wander around lapland on own time!


Oo thats a lot of targeā€¦



Yeah wildlifeā€¦

Cleans hunting rifle


some fins wife picking blueberries few years back encountered bear come too close were funny when it broke news that she kicked it on its nose with a sneaker and it went away, my aunt from australia says they dont mess with the roos but here you dont mess with the fins, it fears of no other animal :joy:

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Our cat loves a boop on the snoot :slight_smile:
As to exercise, I tried running and my back was bad after a few attempts. We have a dog so I walk him twice a day and try to get at least 7000 steps done every day

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Casually letting Youtube go through itā€™s algorithm, worth it to see the complete random garbage you have no interest in gets flung at you and this popped up after I read an article about SEGAā€™s new games announcement at the GAME Awards.

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the memoriesā€¦

The Dreamcast will always be, my number 1 favourite games machine for SEGAā€™s attitude of ā€œso we had this dream on psychedelic substances and we decided to make a gameā€¦ā€ it was the first console to introduce internet gaming to millions of people who couldnā€™t afford a PC
Even if it did make internet providers scratch their heads when people asked for subscriptions and you needed the login and the isp connection number, I remember having to fight with Telewest Communications (yes, thatā€™s how long ago it was) for what seemed an eternity to some ā€œexpertā€ who didnā€™t know the Dreamcast was a thing even though they had it splattered all over their very new and very very cheap website.

It was way better than racking up 90 quid phone bills of you used SEGAā€™s default isp (againā€¦ 3 months of that before I finally got through to Telewest).

Then you had the joys of Dial up, oh you kids nowadays moaning about your broadband speedā€¦

But it was all worth it. EVERY. SECOND. OF. IT.

because you got to play games like Choo Choo Rocket (the first online console game) Quake 3 Arena infamous amongst PC players because the SEGA version had better soundtracks leading many PC gamers to mod their versions with DC map packs for the music.

(Interesting fact. Quake 3 Arena was possibly the first game to enable cross platform play as PC players could join Dreamcast servers although Dreamcast players were at a critical disadvantage using the gamepad until SEGA built keyboard and mouse peripherals. The keyboard peripheral became mandatory equipment for Dreamcast when PSO was released.

Crazy Taxiā€¦ Power Stone (CAPCOM)ā€¦ Sonic Adventure.

And of courseā€¦ The glorious. The stupendous, the best MMO ever madeā€¦

Phantasy Star Online and PSO Ver2.

If you are a PSO vet may your feet always walk in Forest, Cave, Mines and Ruins.

(PSO is also where I first met my wife)

And nowā€¦ for your listening pleasure, I give you one of the most instantly recognized and still incredibly reveredā€¦

Some of my fave tracks.

(You should be able to see and hear the entire track list)

A true work of gaming genius. You may have lost the console war to SONY but you will never ever be forgotten as the father and trailblazer genius of online console gaming.

Jet Set Radio was fantastic. Loved it.

Shenmue was where it was at for me. I remember just feeling so immersed in the town centre, and watching the day/night cycle in action and how the NPCs changed their behaviour accordingly.

Shenmueā€¦ I will never forget the scene of ā€œGollumā€ ambushing you and eating your ticketā€¦ I so enjoyed beating the shinola out of the freak at the end.

Nothing beats that feeling of buying new shoes.

I have more shoes than my girlfriend, and sheā€™s a shopaholic.

I also walk around block or in this old park almost daily, owning a dog would fit this picture well and would just increase the regularity. I havent been running or done anything else in gym in few weeks now either, waiting flare up on shoulder and back to calm, but its not mandatory like some said, its just that ive been weightlifter since teen so I wouldnt like to entirely end it either now that its been hobby for so long, kinda like wow for hobby since vanil wouldnt want end it now either even if its bad right now I rather watch it through. Its just adjusting mindset related gym instead progress based strength building change it into maintaining mobility and rehabilitation which the docs already suggests us to do, and for running just do whatever think is best for the current week but not overdo it. Ive read alot articles of people with AS run but every case with this is different, if some is just going through flare on his hip or knee then his not going to go for a run thats certain so it depends, but it dont have to be running it can be going for walk for hour in park which atleast personally I like to do.


Exactly, couldnā€™t agree more - the main thing is to stay as mobile as possible, for me I found running to much of an impact through my knees into my lower back so I was unable to do that.
The dog gets at least 3 walks a day of 1-2 miles, I do 2 of them for the exercise, at the weekend he generally gets walked a lot further.
I remember working with a girl who owned 2 dogs and was saying she wanted to start walking 2-3 miles a day - the look she gave me when I said she should have no trouble meeting that target just by walking her dogs :slight_smile:


I wanted take pics in this old park I usually go for walk but it gets dark 15:00 now the day is too short rip :sweat_smile:




Some calm breed would be good, I dont want any dog that barks alot, would also annoy neighbours in these urban type areas, dont have clue either what kind of dog would get. Also bit wondering how much it would cost food wise and vet bills etc, it wouldnt be cost efficient atm even if I wouldnt mind walking one daily :smiley:

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Nooo, you need to go dog sledding!

ye, one rent dog and stiga :smiley:


Alythenaā€™s pics:


Speaking of doggos, my little girl is doing really well. Been for her second week check up (how is it only 2 weeks?!) and next knee in the new year some time. She is back to her silly self and thinks she is all fine nowā€¦ not yet pupper!