🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 1)

They’re unable to see it at the post office.


Unlike some, I do have that mount :laughing:


It’s a bit less common than the Headless Horseman’s mount though, which more or less everyone has at this point :slight_smile:

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I cant get the brewfest dragon manuscript to drop so we all have something that evades us.

Being offline is not helping on that front either.

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I have concluded that it is broken. It was going to drop on the first kill for me, but still hasn’t dropped, so clearly it has a faulty drop rate.


Tbf I don’t put any real effort into getting invinclible, I run ICC when I remember I haven’t done it in a while and have nothing better to do.

I also only kill that dwarf once a day on one char because I just cba :smile:


Though that thing was some kind of WOTLK fridge. :eyes:

Would make sense with Icecrown being cold and what not. :cold_face:

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Uldi got his first kill, clearly got yours!


do we ship puny and arthas up to boston now that we can already find them from same place :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


€500 poorer having to replace the brake pipe of my car because it “failed” [superficial rust] the NCT… :weary:

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my first car had the same, break pipes ironically break, took it to shop and they said would cost me 900 euro just replace some copper pipes, i said i dont have money i was 18-20y or so

bought those copper pipes from parts store and replaced all of them with my stepfather, the work took us 3-4 hours and cost 120 euro in the end, car repair shops are a scam!

ever since learned via yt how to replace anything that i can, theres those rentable lifts on gas stations self help garages too that one can rent hourly, is no way im paying anyone 350 euro to replace exhaust pipe examble that costs 55 euro and takes 30min to replace, huge scam at the repair shop

im trying avoid cars with timing belt that needs 5-6 year change interval as thats 900 euro everytime and i wont start open the engine to replace it myself, i try to stay to models that use chain for timing belt which in some models lasts the whole age of the car like +20 years easily, trying avoid these repair shops as much as can they take your money for literally light therapy

I’m too lazy to learn that, already too busy with my 12 hours shifts 4 on 4 off… :stuck_out_tongue:

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annoyest is finding the place, really hate doing work on parking lot with all neighbours walking by or come stare. if you figure some place u can figure stuff in peace while watch yt its not too bad i think, just annoying trying to get something done while also learn how to do it when some ppl come stare as audience i mean

wish there were more of those self help garages with lift and reasonable prices, lift or oil pit is kinda must if anything need be done under, wouldnt even begin on parking lot at home

when u work summer job as teen do minor work in some repair shop and replace part that took 15-30min and the boss says to u to bill it as 2 hours work you kinda get the general idea how these places operate

they also make money by having deal with part stores so they buy it 50% cheaper and make you pay the full price, if you bring the parts yourself to a shop then they take it from the hour costs make you pay more for the work, its literally scam

My friend’s a mechanic just down the road, typically does a full service job for €160 where elsewhere it’d cost double to triple at for my Merc… but unfortunately he didn’t have the equipment to do the brake pipe himself so I had to go elsewhere which cost a fair bit with.

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yea thats the only reasonable way to use shop if have friend that can trust :+1:

good morning


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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRfHbyCQDC o
that “o” at the end put it in the right place and you will get immeditatly cozy af