šŸŽ­ GD Chat Room (Part 1)

Tah knows what i meantā€¦

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Ive basically lived with a fan pointed at me all week, im not built for this weather so today has been rather nice.

Also i have no idea what ā€œGDā€ means. T.T

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GD is General Discussion, as in this forum :slight_smile:

Itā€™s still very warm here in Switzerland (about 30Ā°c).

Weekend was great though :smiley:

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spent weekend with anything else than touching the state of season 2 pvp or shuffles :joy:

sunday i roamed all day in forest gathering some autumn mushrooms (funnel chanterelle)

from some of it i made a creamy soup with onion and enjoyed it down with some white wine and bread, i were not sure how much cream to use on the soup so i just poured in all of it :joy:

i seem to have lived from it and doing fine anyway for now :joy:


That sounds delicious!

yea it was such a stress release too not touch pvp in few days, sad its on a state where the game is only fun when you have breaks from it :joy:

lovely spots to sit in forest while autumn too and enjoy lunch, that fall color change hasnt started yet but can feel the change on temperature and glimbses of sun from the trees is also more appreciated when the temp is around 17C then if it were 35C melting mid of summer!

What are you aiming for in PvP?

Shrooms and alcohol are a bad combo, thats why you had the munchies :laughing:

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at a guess, The opposition??? yes, im in a mischievous mood todayā€¦


as i mostly play range or heal what the other guy said :joy:

i aim mostly at the guys with red nameplates or if heal then on the partyframes cause im just a casual and mouseover!


Both of you are being so cheeky LMAO

Are you aiming for a title, score, transmog, mount?

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mogs and duelist with few og classes from vanil per season and elite if its possible, mostly 2s player :slight_smile:


That sounds wonderful.

The forest is one of my favorite places to go, although I need to keep a good eye on my dog because she chases any wildlife she spots and we regularly come across deer, hares or pheasants there. :sweat_smile:


lil tease keeps things interesting! as far the bullying is done in fair nature and not only from the sake of being mean, no support of chaotic evil alignements here


I mean 38C with 80% humidity, that is hot!

I mean, itā€™s not that bad. Iā€™m doing pull-ups on the sun by such weather!

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i saw the pic of the dog, looked adorable, even a smile :smiley:

i really need get one myself aswell one of these days, maybe from a shelter that you can adopt one free i think as dont really have preferance with the breed, aslong it can walk on its own for few kilometre without need to carry it would be perfect

few friends got theirs like that, it really is a win for all, the abandoned pet get home and you get a free pet :smiley:


I decided to get a rescue dog this time around. Sheā€™s from Romania originally.
Thereā€™s so many dogs that could use a good home.

But yeah; you should look into breeds a bit and find one that fits your lifestyle and such.

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You both made me laugh.

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i worked briefly in animal shelter at one point where ppl bring these pets found or taken from owners

you are right, the bullmastiffs example wouldnt be very preferably by me when theyre 50kg even as young and they climb on your lap on couch or rest their massive head over your face when you lie down when it doesnt understand its not small even if it thinks it is just a baby :joy:

tho as expensive breed so not likely to be abandoned permanently i imagine

some of the medium sizes would be fine aslong theyre of kind nature and and preferably not from agility breeds as i dont have the energy for that myself :smiley:

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