🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 1)

Pretty sure that’s a water mine. You’re brave :no_mouth:


it is a mine. but it definitely relieves the pain.

Deactivated, like the one in Hot Fuzz?


the traslation between simon pegg and his colleague is one of the best pic in movies i ever seen.
i love all the three cornettos


Oh yes that looks good. Dogs have chomped many.

Like on the song lyrics life is a lesson you learned it when youre through :smile:

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Everyone who seen nick frost and simon pegg movies also know where to go when zombie apocalypse comes. :dracthyr_nod:


Nice sleep

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Especially when your parents tell you things and you go NAH until you are that age and have a sudden realisation they were right all along.

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Saw guy who had made his toon the exact copy of Scarlet Commander Mograine. :smile:


We’re back in winter here, it’s COLD. I guess that should have been obvious, since we’re going to have basically a whole week off due to holidays - and it will ALWAYS rain. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Tuna Tuesday


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terrible, terrible weahther. But it seems from tomorrow will be better.


Here it doesn’t look as promising, we will likely have 2 days of good weather and then storms and heavy rain again


Having an absolutely crap few days at work, working late to meet an arbitrary deadline set by someone who has no idea what they are asking for. Petting my dog is about the only thing stopping me starting an ungodly argument on my morning standups.

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such a pain
 im lucky cuz i will be in scotland. lets pray for better weather!

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We are yo-yoing with spring and winter it seems, it were 12C for one week, melted all snow and then it snowed over weekend and went to -5C, then it melt again and now its snow again
 It seems we just have to wait with spring atleast few weeks or month still. :smiley:


I am told this is management everywhere. I am unsure how anyone survives work and doesn’t just go on a murderous rampage or have a breakdown and go comatose from stress.