🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 1)

The weather is indecisive XD

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Yeah they make jokes of it here that you cant control the Finnish summer, when theres sudden snowstorm or saying like Finnish summers are less snowy than winters. :dracthyr_a1:


Its been awesome here last few days. Right now its very sunny and some cloud. Not too warm,.not too cold. And Roscoe has fallen asleep in Starbucks lol

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It’s happening the same thing on the mountains nearby here… The very same mountains I was planning to ride towards these days :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


It’s mostly been sunny here, but it’s chilly. I open the back door then change my mind xD

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They’ve done it again. A few days after spending money on 1 faction change and 3 race changes they put them on sale.

When will I learn to wait for sales?!


I’m waiting for the bluepost, I’m sure the bot will hit the forums soon.

Literally a few days? You could try your luck with support but I have no idea what they are like with this kind of thing these days.

They used to be good but now… nah. I should just learn my lesson.


Seems the spring just dont start here. Atleast the trees look nice but I wouldnt mind some sun and hear birbs chirp chirp either. :dracthyr_a1:


Oh they should do something like this start of every season, I bet its to boost s4 start to be more active.


Catarsis: Catventure is free on steam. :cat:

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Same. I went back Horde and right after the sale came up.
Kind of annoying but my fault that I don’t know how to wait for this stuff.

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I am a Troll now, with a tiger called Spot.

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Not quite how I envisaged my Wednesday afternoon- currently in hospital, where my missus is having an enema then a colonoscopy. Rather her than me though…

Eek, ow. Best of luck and sorry for her suffering.

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Cheers mate- At least we get the results of the tests before we leave the hospital

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Budgett frog, the “REEE” frog. His expression is so joyful. Fitting for start of new season. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :joy:

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