🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 1)

The high-end hotel was only so-so?

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Ah thats a British term for the holiday right? I remember the name and having conversation of this. :smiley:

Edit: just read from wikipedia of it, interesting history on this mothering sunday the medieval origin.


My condolences to you - i lost mine 16 years ago

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I used to watch a lot of survival videos on youtube years back, it inspired me to go solo camping a few times with minimal equipment to see how id fair.

Was a learning curve for sure.
I learned alot from it.

Like im not built for survival in the wild.

However if the world did end like that, there wouldnt suddenly be a lack of resources there will be a lot of flamable substance and material everwhere for example.

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Even with camping equipment we could easily manage in urban setting without electricity if need, sleeping bag for insulation if theres no heating and gas burners and liquid fuel burning trangias for making meals. :slight_smile:

Sister just said of it sometime ago when we were out camping that if situation here develops to that we are hit in power plants and are cut from electricity like would be likely you would just make meals with trangia instead of stove. Camping equipment really are versatile multipurpose investment. :joy:


Puny had just left and the staff were all on anti depressants after going through the most arduous serving of swanky lunch they had ever seen.

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I mean when you sit someone down and they ask “I hope the quail eggs are so fresh they are still inside the quail and I expect the wine to come from the hand of Bacchus himself in quality. Now run along, I shall ring my little bell should, and by should I mean yes I will, require your utmost attention”

Rings bell three seconds later



I bought the tissues because I accidentally stepped on Fergus’ leg and had to wipe my tears off before you’d cause any.

The scones and the cider were meant to be peace offerings for his owner but I was too hungry and my Garfield tattoo demanded to be fed as well.

Oh well, I’m a cat person anyway…

Is that because of the hurricanes? I heard how wild the weather can be overseas but I couldn’t live in a constant fear of my roof being ripped off by some hefty wind…

I definitely wouldn’t be one of them :sweat_smile: I’d probably just sit in depression for hours thinking, “okay, so what now?”

I’m partial to Yao Guai Ribs myself.

[Knight Titus disliked that.]

Dang, I’m sorry to hear that. I can only hope her passing was quick and painless. Sending hugs :dracthyr_heart:

Would be neat if schools took it to themselves to teach such basic survival skills, but apparently, solving quadratic equations is more useful where I live…

That, and the average person would be less reliant on societal systems to survive, but what if we get to experience the apocalypse firsthand…


Partially but also because American infrastructure is woeful, And because Tallahassee is full of trees and we have power lines up in the trees…

What really doesn’t help is that different utilities are responsible for different parts of the grid. So if your provider is Tallahassee City you could have your power back up in 3 days.

But if you’re with a different provider, even though you live across the street, your power will still be out.

On another note, I dont understand these new blizzard automated ingame systems. I am talking with someone in game who say to me after shuffle that “Good job man, the common factor of the wins, even if I hate gnomes, I must admit” I reply him that “i am gnome version of the guy who fought wind mills don quijote something” and game advices me to report him when he answers “Don Quijote, thank you for honoring this Spanish story <3” obviously I do not report this as it doesnt break any rules in any way but I dont understand why the game is advising me to report this nice person who I had normal friendly talk with. :dracthyr_a1:

Its a gnome riding the mount lil’ donkey so I call my warrior donkey hot in honor of this hero in the story who fought wind mills with his mount.


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Wow has pretty life like and smooth animations if compare to many other games where movement usually look like this :joy:


Oy! When the Apocalyps comes I don’t want competition!


draws 10mm pistol

That wasn’t very okey-dokey of you.

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Good morning to everyone except that one person!

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I can explain, my products only have a 1% chance of causing side effects!

Uh… forget it, who is that one person, anyways?

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the one that doesnt like felweed :3

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Oh yes, that one person does deserve elimination by any means!

By the way, who dis? The guild name rings a bell somehow!

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Twiluna xD



Free hugs

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