🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 1)

At my sister’s place celebrating her birthday, has a fully catered buffet of Malaysian dishes… nom nom nom :yum:

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Urrrrgh… ate too much, not had Malaysian food in a loooooong time.

Going into a food coma now;

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Happy nap, wish I had asian aswell. :ramen: :fried_shrimp: :fish_cake: :fortune_cookie: :chopsticks:

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Looks delicious :yum:


Had a fantastic lunch out in the warm weather today


I were out picking these wild white flowers (wood anemone) for tomorrows mothers day so I dont arrive empty handed for dinner, its custom for mothers day here. I wonder if its same elsewhere aswell or if the type of flowers are not as specific. Here it has to be wood anemone. :blossom:

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I get flowers from a local florist when we have Mother’s Day in the UK :slight_smile:

I’m sure she’ll appreciate the ones you picked.

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Its Finnish custom, all mothers get this white wild flower called wood anemone but its not sold anywhere. Every fin around this time of year goes picking it from anywhere they find it, I was wondering if its custom somewhere else aswell or is it just here. Peculiar traditions. :joy:


Cute cats

Fear me I’m a frog.

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Every time I say I am taking a break from the forums, I fail. I think I have become better at not joining in threads that are clearly going nowhere, though. Just watching for popcorn moments.

I’m not an elf as I reverted to this character’s original race to try and undo most of the mess so many race and faction changes have done, but I will be undeleting the paladin elf soon. So, have no fear! Elves are still within my heart.

(I also managed to snag the name Sapphire for a belf DK, that was a win)


Teach me the ways!

I just think others are more eloquent and don’t get upset like I do with confrontation. I like their posts instead. Often I will type the reply and then just delete it and not post.


Yeah, I do tend to think highly of strangers too, I’m not sure if it’s good or not but I’m not really trying to change it

Puny is a good example of being able to write an objective and well thought out retort. I just wanna smush people’s faces in mud when they start being obtuse :laughing:


Happy Mother’s day for all cat mothers aswell. :smiley_cat: :lotus: :bouquet: :hibiscus:



Wise choice, mistress, wise choice.

Here I’d suggest blindly changing your password and logging out of the forums, deleting saved data, but… that would honestly backfire as you couldn’t enter the game either if the launcher logs you out :slightly_frowning_face:

Anyone have some better tips for her on this case?

Will she be a frost DK though?

It’s actually called “unsub”. Believe me, works every time!

Still beats being a jerk. At least you’re making a good impression, it’s up to the other one whether they’ll honor it or not.

This. I’m always glad to read any green posts regardless of their writer, too bad they do get attacked sometimes for being a “Blizz employee”. They really just earned their status, is all.


I got cake, cant complain for free cake :sweat_smile:


Flowers and nature scenery photos :upside_down_face: