šŸŽ­ GD Chat Room (Part 1)

A fabulous good afternoon to you all- a productive Sunday for once. Ive ckeaned my car, mowed the lawn, painted some cat shelters for a charity place my youngest son volunteers at, and taught aforementioned son how to service petrol lawnmowers


Ofc she will!!


Stormā€™s cominā€™ Ani. Can feel it in me bones.

Arms to be precise, best get my washing in. Donā€™t plan any BBQs! Hide UKers, hide!

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Tomorrow is good, but rest of the week is rain according to the forecast

Round here itā€™s about 10-20 degrees consistantly for the next week with some chance of rain. I can tell a storm is brewing but it could also go around us, we seem to live in the eye of the storm most of the time. Sucks for when we want some snow :joy:

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Yes best tip.

For reducing forum time is find something better to do with the time.

My post count has dropped nearly 90% the past year.

Because for me i found a new interest the gym.

Set myself goals to reach throughout the year and it keeps me busy and away from here.

My current goal is to lift 115kg benchpress by the end of the year.

This week i lifted 110kg for the first time.



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Thats a whole lot of meat!


Ughā€¦ makes me feel sick, how can people eat that much? :skull:

i would like ti check his blood examsā€¦


Playing games the druid way. Extreme level gaming.

For their youtube channel. So I guess money.

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His professional competitive eater probably, they train streching their stomach. Theyre like the mglad r1 of eating. Their stomach expands three times the size of normal peoples stomach, then the dude eats 300 hotdogs or something other wild. And some pay alot money for stomach reduction and others get alot money for streching it. Theres something for everyone in this world, its a wild place this rock. :smiley:

Omg thats bf1 the game his playing with the AA sim!! My good that looks good. His built a sim for AA gun!! :rofl:

Didnt think of anti-aircraft or heavy machine gun sims built outside of military, not as high demand in gaming than the hydraulic rally sims. :smiley:

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I still open them sometimes :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

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First working day of the weekā€¦ Start at 5, Stand around for three hours because production get Saturday offā€¦

SO takes a while to get stuff through.

First a tickleā€¦

Then a flood.

I built and stood in order for forklifts to pick up 25 pallets.

25 pallets!

The carrots are selling again in the stores.

So Iā€™m gonna eat my tea, then bed. Happy Sunday everyone and gooooooooooooooooooooood


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One of the people i work with went to turkey to get their stomach shrank on the cheap.

They lost a lot of weight very quickly probably a good 11stone in about 1 month.

About a week after they came back it was on the news that people who are going to turkey to get this op done are dying on a regular basis from complications i guess this person was lucky.

I think personally its a cheat way to loose weight for lazy people.

I lost 70kg in bodyweight through cardio.

And because of that i dont need countless ops like this person does to remove extra skin and tighten saggy areas.


Sounds like something that would be dangerous to get done cheap :smiley:

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The real kicker is this person now posts fitness videos on social media.

If they did that to begin with they wouldnt of needed the op