🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 2)

you are not alone.

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I prefer Aspalls but they didnt have that.

I’m not big on beer and lager but enjoy a cider.

Yea I’m one of those who used Covid as an excuse to grow a beard, I used to shave before. Everybody told me I wouldn’t look good but they were wrong apparently (by their own confession) so I kept it in the end!

Came to the same conclusion myself when i was 19 or 20, partly because i wasn’t feeling near daily shaving and partly because i didn’t really like my clean shaven look at that point.

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Hi! I heard you liked alt posting and vulpera. So…

Tahda! :upside_down_face:


There was some bug on disable chat or chat server were down for over hour after I finished shuffle, I had chat disabled in shuffle and noticed not able use bnet from game or see anything what ppl say after I enabled chat again, then it just suddenly started working after hour. Its good thing I reset cvar and delete folders before this trying to fix it. Can setup everything from scratch now. Love life. :dracthyr_crylaugh:

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We have dry apple cider named Sherwood in Finland labeled as cider with an English spirit and I quite like it, to my disappointment tho when I asked person from England if he ever tried it he said its not sold in England. So its just Finnish made product marketed as “traditional English” and nobody in England knows of it. :joy:

I like that its not too sweet, semi-dry and sour. I dont like ciders in general nor anything too sweet but that I would buy, its quite good. And the name Sherwood with apple tree and Englands flag on the tree sells it for me. I like the image of cider of the Sherwoods bandits.


Went on a little adventure this evening since the weather was holding up and I don’t know for how long. I’ve discovered that my city apparently has a lighthouse… sort of.

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As holypriests we appreciate the angel with wings, like the spell guardian spirit. :angel:


That’s a representation of the victory… it’s quite the sight! And the light in the torch actually spins

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Watches over your town. Its shame I cant show you what the medieval building here seems to have symbol towards town, I imagine its meaning were different how its seen now but its quite amusing from such building and towards the good folks of town. :smiley:


Violent thunderstorms caused a disaster yesterday not far away from where I live… about 30 minutes by car. 4 people are still missing. This summer just started and I already hate it.

How the village was…

…and now:

That tiny village is called Sorte which in English literally means “fate”…


Oh my god. That is horrifying. Mud slide? Those poor, poor people. And to have it happen so close. :fearful:


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Oh my goodness, that’s awful! A mudslide?

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Will Twiluna make use of forum functions no one really knows about?


no way this works xD

can anyone else check those boxes?


It looks different in the preview

No, I have a hand cursor appear but it doesn’t work.

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  2. Absolutely ↩︎