The sequence makes it funny, but actually the hidden 2nd pic is the best one of the 3. How very annoying.
It is known that little dogs are as big as horses and fierce as lions. All the big dogs run away.
There’s a gang of them at my local park that always tell Ruki off and he just wags his tail and goes “Oh my. Oh goodness. Well aren’t you loud. Hello. I mean no harm. Gracious me.”
If a big dog tried that, he’d 'av 'em.
I’ve had a Cairn Terrier for 14 years and this is totally true.
I should have some breakfast soon!
My mum has a chihuahua, tiny little thing. She lives part time with me cause my mom works very long hours. She thinks she can take on any dog, makes me laugh when we meet a big husky or something and she goes full on attack mode and the husky hides she is half the size of my cat
I don’t have photos of my Billy on this PC because he’s dead since 2008, but he looked pretty much like this adorable puppy:
Very fun dogs, but also quite stressful to take for a walk because they are soooo aggressive to other dogs, especially male big ones.
I miss him! I’ve had him since I was 9, until I was already 23.
Mine was called Buffy, (yes the vampire slayer we also had GSDs called Angel and Xena) and she just was mostly not bothered by other dogs except her pack and wanted to bark at squirrels and PULL! No, we don’t throw balls we PULL!
So you would throw a ball on a rope for the GSD and then they’d bring it back with Buff on the end with the rope trying to pull it off them
She got to 15 I think, went blind and deaf. I think I had her from age 6, fortunately I now just think of her fondly and not her old age when she was struggling.
Big dogs are 9/10 times just big soft noodle derps.
If tww pre-patch is 30 july and game releases 26 aug so that would be 4 weeks pre-patch then, and seasonal achievements are off in pvp during it, I can understand like 1-2 weeks prepatch periods for people to prepare but month is really long time of nothing to do than wait in pvp.
Uuh new lvl 10 alt with “funny” name sudden donating dozen likes in my posts on GD chat, ironically named Sodum-bloodhoof. Funnily I think the same from any who would create dozen of somehow offensively named alts for the only purpose to like people on some forum. Anyhow if like so much what me or others are saying somewhere then no reason to be afraid from behind these alts, come join on in the conversations any time and talk with people as thats the only purpose of these type platforms.
Just ignore them. They’re obviously people who have nothing better to do than stupid stuff in forums. I know I’ve whinged about them before, but showing them that you’ve noticed will result in more.
Strictly speaking they’re not breaking rules but they obviously enjoy being annoying and spoiling other peoples’ enjoyment.
I think the two last ones with name violations got their name changed as they had naming violations. I just found the newly offensively named alt spamming likes ironic considering what their own choises being on spending their time on this earth doing.
the solution would be battletag
The more you bring it up they more they will do it, just do not mention anything about it and it will stop as they will get bored via no attention, this is meant to be a fun thread not a thread to bring up drama.
Nobody is interested in our picture competition, I am sad.
I dont have fancy breakfasts, i had 2 slices of bread for breakfast posting google pics i see no point in doing.
I doubt that considering I saw some being pestered with the similarly offensively named alts and impersonators for over 2-3 years I believe, theres obviously some with even obsessive behaviour who are doing something like this for their chosen spare time and some reason it seem to limit on gd chat rooms. I dont think its something that I will just look quietly by if Im being pestered or find something to say about it. Sorry but this is forum and meant for conversations so Im posting of some matters of my own chosing.
Sadly I have no lovely breakfasts … just a mug of coffee. I can take a pic of that tomorrow if you like but it’s not very exciting
2-3 cups of coffee, some porridge or eggs with bacon. Thats usually for me.