🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 2)

Yes. I vote for this.

Had a good laugh

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I can’t watch it in my country :dracthyr_cry:

Nice, I dont follow local or global news Im clueless of topics on politics for one. This seem like good informative vid on the matter provided through comedy so its bit more appealing :smile:


Weird, blocked by the tories? :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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Election rules are funny in the UK.

Our parlament is so different and these terms I see used for other countries systems like liberal or conservative are foreign to me as we dont use them or atleast I dont hear Finnish partyes described with them. I guess if I went vote I would vote for some social democrat as Im poor and below middle class myself so voting them would benefit me most. If I was rich or business owner I would vote for the center party I think as they seem to advocate for tax cuts and such for ones who already have more, currently we got cuts on our public health care and other public systems for example advocated from such partyes as they use privately funded services themselves so it affects only others except them so they advocated for all the cuts on funding made from public services only. Thinking this reminds me why I dont like politics or follow it. I doubt anyone elected on position for any nominated power in the world either is there really for anyone else but themselves so it kinda is bit what it is related voting and all. :dracthyr_a1:

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It’s just labels and names that mean nothing now a days.
Few parties stand for what they did just a few elections ago and the meaning of ideologies and political terms have shifted so many times and mean so many different things to so many different people it’s near impossible to get the same answer twice.

Best thing is just to ignore everyone else. Find the party for that specific election that have promises/changes/ideals that you want and that you agree with. Hold them to their promises and don’t ever give them your loyalty.

And then get disappointed because politicians are politicians and do what every politician does ^^

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I quite liked this Italian tv series named 1992, 1993, 1994. But only for the writing and drama not the political aspect, the show was decent otherwise like the other political dramas like house of cards or from danes this show named borgen of their prime minister. And thats about all I care for politics. :joy:

There is broad consensus among economic models that future tax cuts won’t pay for themselves. Tax cuts for the wealthy only benefit the rich. - London School of Econimics (an economics university).

In explaining why cutting taxes for the rich did nothing to boost economies, Dr Hope referred to the economist Thomas Piketty, who argues that unless capitalism is reformed, it will threaten the democratic order.

**“**Our results align pretty closely with some work from Thomas Piketty, that would suggest that what happens if you cut taxes on the rich is that they then bargain more aggressively for their own compensation at the direct expense of workers lower down the income distribution. So, the story of the paper then is really to do with rent-seeking among CEOs and top executives - and that increasing when you have lower taxes on the rich.”

Rent-seeking is the effort to increase one’s share of existing wealth without creating new wealth - rather like a greedy child demanding a bigger slice of the pie so that there’s less left on the plate for everyone else.

No evidence that tax cuts for the wealthy will generate economic growth”.

Dr Hope added: “I think the paper has one major and fairly obvious policy implication, which is not to cut taxes on the rich to boost the economy, particularly if you care about inequality. I think it’s particularly important to make this argument because proponents of cutting taxes on the rich often may use this type of argument in favour of the economic benefits.

“In 2017, when Donald Trump was introducing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, he claimed to the American people that this would be rocket fuel for the US economy. We don’t find any evidence in our study across 18 advanced economies over 50 years of that being true.”

Thus, tax cuts on the wealthly is a right wing political policy, that harms growth and makes everyone else poorer. Its a policy that puts only a small number of people first at the expense of everyone else.

As tax cuts dont pay for themselves we see the next part of the policy. Cutting the size of the state/government. As the tax income drops, government must reduce the services it provides. This includes benefits for the disabled.

In the UK they satirised this process, with George Osborne like Jesus making the disable walk again because the only way to get the benefits bill down was to declare the sick as cured and well enough to work.

After all the years in government the conservative failed via cuts to budgets to balance the books and created a massive mountain of debt. The extreme cuts caused the deaths of sick and disable people on benefits who ended up with no money or died from their illnesses after being declared fit for work. This lead to massive NHS waiting lists due to lack of investment and outsourcing to the private sector (vastly more expensive than the public sector).

This is why they wont be in government after this election. There was low growth and the cuts became very unpopular. They just took a wrecking ball to everything in the UK and returned nothing of value. Misrule has its consequences.

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I regret bringing this up now.

Let’s have cake instead.


Let them eat cake worked for france.

We had one that got elected for seat from campaign like pro Finland and all for Finland etc then later when the guy had influence he ran for foreign office for matters not ours. He also did his campaign targeted for lower economy when the guy himself is from nothing as such but he played the masses and pleased majority for seat for our countrys interests at heart and then first thing when got to choose runs for office that has nothing to do with our country, its good example of this I think. I wonder if the ppl who voted him for his obviously fake slogans even to this day realise what they helped for him and for not their benefit but his. Ppl just voted for his funny slogan appealing to masses and blindly trusted what he say, from which he did nothing during his public service and later ran for other tasks than what he asked get elected for in first place. :smiley:

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Thats a nice looking cake, wonder if it tastes good or is one of those just too sweet cakes.

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I imagine the icing and stuff is too sweet and I’d have to cut it in half and then half again just to eat a slice that would last me 4 days.

Yeah i also have a feeling its one of those u eat half a slice and regret it for 3 days after and you can feel the sugar on your teeth afterwards :sweat_smile:

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You’re full of surprises ^^

Only saw first season of house of cards of those. I really don’t watch enough tv :sweat_smile:

Ye that happens a lot unfortunately and there isn’t much can be done from outside the parliament once someone got voted into power :/

It’s easy to get too swept up in the sales pitches and empty promises, especially if the person is charismatic so even though people should know better I get it.
Have a friend whom believes his country has gone to hell in a hand basket and his solution to the problem was to vote for the exact same people that have been in power for his entire life.
So maybe the answer is no ^^


Yea I cant bother :joy:


I bought chicken sandwitch and while choosing one listened two workers loudly comment something negative of everybody they observed in their sights. I enjoyed my sandwitch alot and think the two I heard regret their jobs in the store by the sound of the pair. Loudly yapping something offensive of everyone that walked past us.:ok_man:

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