🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 2)

Its strange how easy it really is to say x and then just do complete opposite or nothing at all and collect easy pay for seat. Theyre on office for public service so they should be accountable for public and their interest they are there to serve and not their own. :smiley:

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I hate this guy. He’s among the folks that think we can just tax people out of their savings. It’s not like my country is already Number 1 in terms of wealth redistribution. We’re redistributing 46% of our GDP and that dumb nuts thinks we should be taxing more along side stealing literal life saving ?
This guy is living from state subsidies. So it’s quite hypocrite to bite the hands (aka the tax payer) who is feeding him.

I guess I have to be happy about spending 26% of my gross wage to feed a failing public pension system.

government of the people by the people for the people.


And for completely unrelated I bought blueberry pie to haul around tomorrow for hike. Theres none growing either yet and likely wont grow much this year so have to buy from store. :smiley:

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But the people are

I hereby offer blackberry : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2p3d-aRXzoM

Its from the lincoln gettysburg address, just something random that pop to mind :joy:

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Got some blueberries at my fishing spot, not a lot but it’s something. Crazy amount of wild strawberry though.
Got better climate down here it seems. :grin:

The French used to have a method for keeping them in check but it’s generally frowned upon now ^^


Ah dang, here is not figured to grow any this year, gonna be bad harvest like last year. I envy this fishing midst of blueberries and srawberries. :smiley:

What do you catch, perch? I miss autumn on old cabin and smoking days catch of perch from throwing few hours in row boat. I need a new place to go fish!



We do in fact have a lot of very expensive institutions that are supposed to do this job but…No one listen to them.

Our supreme court is made of retired politicians so… yeah


Would be so easy if ppl just did or atleast tried to do what they say to do. I promise I say to empty the dishwasher I empty the dishwasher and not go sit on couch and turn on the tv. :smiley:


I’m all about the chocolate cake

Got to be nice and moist


About 15min of picking.

Bit out of season pic x)
Mostly roach and perch in these waters and of course one or two hungry pikes.


Same here.
we got a lot of ‘you wash my back i’ll wash yours’ stuff going on in our gov, sadly

My cats promised not to bring any more dead birds and mice, yet… :x


Humongous strawberry flex, nice. These in ice cream or vanil yogurt my goodness :smiley:

That looks like awesome ice to skate, hour around this ice and sit on shore to have hot chocolate with mint vodka. :dracthyr_comfy_red:

lol that fish aka särki is named “common roach” on english, I was wondering what sort uncommon roach might be


My guess is they didnt keep their word :smiley:

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Yeah i prefer a good chocolate cake myself. There’s this one cake i sometimes make that is just so delicious. Its in norwegian but it has some pics at least :laughing: https://www.detsoteliv.no/oppskrift/cafe-stings-sjokoladekake-med-ekstra-mye-sjokoladekrem

I picked up a dead bird from the basement yesterday, poor thing. Maya had some fun with it at least, there were feathers everywhere :unamused:

Cats never do, don’t they, eh ?

Imagine if it were a rabbit !

The common roach yes xD
Not the insect.
Mört we call em

just a common roach ^^

so mört and särki, kinda similar. Both with äöäöäöäöäöäöääö letters.