🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 2)

I miss plant vs zombies that was fun mobile game! :potted_plant: :man_zombie: :zombie: :sunflower:

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Is the WoW equivalent still in the game? It’s been more than 10 years since I last played it.

The one in hillsbrad was it, I got the smiley sunflower from it. I think it was an time limited event. Get the phone one to play while waiting something or while in work. :sunflower: :dracthyr_a1:


It’s still there! :sun_with_face:


Nice can still get the bis sunflower, just like dc watchmen hero Comedian the flower just keep on smiling whatever you throw at it :sunflower:


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Giant Pixie Frog In Hibernation (Rare Video Of Mucus Sack) African BullFrog

Don’t you hate on Steve! He’s just misunderstood.

You underestimate the showmanship and ego of president types.
They’re a special breed ^^


Dont mind if I do, love coffee :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

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Lol dude made Frank Castle elf, his like Batman but with guns. That vest is good.



Im not really for or against anyone politically, i tend to not pay attention to it.

But one thing i notice recently is how the masses all latch ontop a common idea.

Like if you arent american its considered the norm to hate trump.

Or how everyone was hating conservative because it was plugged to be the popular thing.

Its just bizzare how majority of people in modern times are completely incapable of thinking for themselves.

I am not going to get political but I think most people dislike x or y because they can see something wrong. Not because it’s a popular opinion.


My view is that it is very complicated. People generally “feel” something is wrong, but it often gets beaten back down into a weird game of team sports.


And the team sports spirit has really taken over and gone off the rails in my opinion. Feels like politics isn’t about politics anymore. It’s only about my team winning.


More or less and in some cases it’s because something feels more like a direct threat to them where it then becomes a matter of if they have the means to influence it in their favour or not.

I’ll probably eat a forum ban if i go into why i dislike almost all conservative political theory and rethoric though.

Seeing how they tend to act in the house of commons, id say its more of a childrens t.v show than a team game at least here in the uk.

They even started streaming it on twitch at one point dont know if they still do lol.