Ye just regular dips from dip bars in park. Not nachos in any sauce in a bowl either even tho I wouldnt mind some of that today while binge this OA series
Sorta yeah but I do chip up grip so thumbs facing towards self and Im actually also doing a bicep exercise with a 105kg weight like that as Im pulling the weight of my body up with my arms and back. It becomes compound movement and I never have to do biceps or arms separately while Im also training my back and upper torso. But I guess could also use the same grip for pull down, I just never used gym equipments much I liked free weigths and barbell and did chin ups and dips with plates hanging on chain from my waist. Going to pay membership just to use cables feel depressing to me now so Ive stopped paying any for over year now. Im not really comfortable either witness other ppl doing movements that Im not able do anymore so it would have to be some rehabilitation type gym instead of regular commercial with the gymbros, I dont wanna see them
Somebody were asking for void elf names that I were about to advice on helpful site for lore friendly naming but then whole thread vanished into ether before I got to press enter
Usimg the same grip on pulldown is actually better for targeting your lats as you can bring you elbows closer to your sides which allows more isolate focus on the muscle you want to hit.
I liked use the shovel handle close grip for landmine rows with barbell if didnt do regular barbell row. Could use that handle for pull down whatever its name is. I miss rowing, got barbell still in basement could give it try if can do some rows at home without going gym. Its shame had to get rid of punching bag on move cos there were no such ceiling that could drill it hang from.
I personally do pullups and different variations of pulldowns
Close grip, wide grip and supinated.
I only do chin ups currently though because of my trapped nerve my left shoulder is too weak to do pull ups, i can do them but most the weight is resting on my right arm so not worth it.
The cable machine we got is a bit weird though so my chin ups are in neutral grip.
(Facing eachother)
I only do with chin up grip to strain bicep and not needing anything for arms otherwise. Barbell row were king of isolation movements for back that I loved, im gonna try it at home with old lighter barbell thats collecting rust in basement, its 10kg not 20 like the olympic. Ps. I love if google “lighter barbell” for spelling it gives Lighter Barbell for wife? as suggestion. Even google is teasing me, google can go to lake
Remember ronnie? Even Coleman used to scream LIGHTWEIGHT BABY!!! as he were lifting and expressing excitement. Light weights are pretty much approved with that or it doesnt get much more approval than from 135kg unit of nothing but muscle being memoralized aroud this saying. Yea buddyy
This is probably a really stupid question, but is a trapped nerve literally a nerve that’s stuck between 2 things … but what is it actually trapped between? Also is there treatment for it to get unstuck and back where it should be?
As you can tell, I’m not very medical and have no grasp of human anatomy …
The physio claimed because i work out alot my upper back is very very tightuscle which has forced the nerve deep downwards trapping it near a disc in my neck…
However they cla its trapped nerve by poking and proddinge for a few mins.
But i actually think its potentially more serious than that.
But there is little i can do until it passes the 3 month general repair period and still persists.
After the 12th week i can esscalate it and demand to see a real doctor, not some overpaid youtube trained physio.
She basically quoted me everything straight off of the number one google search, which i looked at before attending.
I just sat there and said " i was hoping for a professional opinion, i think most people look things up online thesedays i know i did"
She did not like that much
She said she’d email me some excerises to do, which she never did, this is someone earning a 40k+ salary btw, her diagnosis was basically " painkillers and wait for it to get better"
Ye the steps of procedures for back treatment is something same like first wait 3 weeks if it persists then another appointment and regular pain killers and sent to physio and if flexes and pain killers dont help in 3 months then sent to specialist and if that specialist dont find nothing yet or lack of will to listen patient then your on your own after that point, system drop you there to be on your own with your illness.
I also think the same related the overpayment of some of these medical professionals when person who is suppose to be rheuma specialist says to me that if inflammation doesnt show elevated signs on blood tests it cant be rheuma and then I go online in home and look up that back rheuma is seronegative ones and dont nessecarily show in blood tests, it can show or not show. And this person is paid specialists wages claimed otherwise and drop me without treatment cause doesnt know her own profession after all the years has studied and practised to be the rheumatologist.
My situation I have to probably wait 5 or more years for damage to develop on back or shoulder before get diagnose or find some specialist from private again who listens the conditions I explain and that we have it on family and I have the gene in my blood tests aswell. Its pretty annoying to try get diagnosis even from so clear symptomps if it depends just on how much they care listen the patient or not. Rheumatologist on public hospital can tell me false information that I can fact check myself from google later at home. I think most of them are just prescription writers who dont care enough to listen patients, I lost my trust to the system with this. I trust myself more than the doctors nowadays.
I was also adviced to make complaint of this rheumatologist and her claim that all rheumas show on blood test as elevated inflammation when they dont. But idk what does the complaint do for treatment failure. I dont think it rewards me any money or other than knowing that she gets some marking to her history which is meh to me rly. I dont rly care what happens to the doc I just want meds for the rheuma. Doc appointments arent recorded either so I cant go word to word what she said that was complete false when I checked at home myself, they can just say something else for record. Only thing I can make complaint for that why werent I treated I guess if I show symptomps and rheuma gene on blood test when it reads to be enough to make diagnosis with symptoms even without mri but yet I was put to wait 3 months for mri and then dropped without treatment once it didnt yet show signs on mri.
I’m doing push pull legs push pull, which translates as not doing dips and pull-ups on the same day. I’ve been doing better eversince I’ve switched to that