🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 2)

Chest of gold and murloc outfit made me smile lol


Just go with monster ftw !


i dont like this kind of beverage. im a traditionalist so i prefer coffee.
Monters is for younglings!


So true, no energy drinks for me either :joy:

I mean, I just can’t stand coffee taste, yuck. Even with a ton of sugar that ends up accumulating at the bottom of these plastic cups.

Ever since I was sleeping 3Hours per night, this beverage allowed me to keep going ! A deathwish kiss that I never got away from

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Like danny glover would say related energy drinks: im too old for this stuff :weary:


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It becomes habit and you develop favorite cup for it that you like to enjoy your daily coffee from. I prefer to drink mine only black and I got a mug that I fancy to only drink my coffee from, just like I got one for tea aswell that got as present made by someone. Its very thin and fragile I have to keep good care of it to honor the gift :slight_smile:

Black coffee ? Yuck ! Need some mango flavored caffeine !

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Hey folks! Back for a brief month to give this TWW a try (well, more like its prepatch…)

Gonna be a busy month for me though - first off I changed workplaces, and this place feels better than my former job. I get to work in a more acceptable shift schedule (Mon-Fri, morning and afternoon shifts) and the work itself isn’t that exhausting either. The first month (in June) was literally just messing around doing nothing, but I got some work afterwards, it’s a long story but can explain if you wish :smile:

Aside from that. Had my cousin and aunt visit us last month so whenever I wasn’t at home working, I was drinking myself under the table :sweat_smile:

In like 2 weeks we should be painting the walls at my granny, been overdue for a good year by now but finally got around to it :smile:

Then at the end of the month, I’ll have a day off on the 26th, but not for TWW launch, instead I’ll meet my crush from a fellow reddit meeting disc, because she’ll come with me for when I’ll have my nails done for the first time ever. Got a plan on how the manicure should look like, but we’ll see how it turns out, the nailtech is an expert from what I know :smile: and if I’m any lucky, might be able to hook up with this girl I mentioned. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Whew… anyway, good to be back here. So much has happened lately…


Hello Dunkiee you got fun title the Proven Healer, I was sneaking to look your tmog and see :dracthyr_uwu:

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I’ve had it for a year or two by now :rofl:

But I’ve changed mogs twice actually. Was on for the free weekend (1st thru 4th) and the first mog was themed after the crush I’ve mentioned above, that’s how she looks like in real life.

Girl was totally surprised. :smile:

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But you have been away :joy:

Hope you stay this time bit longer, also nice to see your back!

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Hey dunkiee! Always a pleasure see you


Only a month mate, as usual, I do like to keep up or log in at times but such MMOs can easily kill your social life (or the will to keep up). :sweat_smile:

You too bud, hope everything’s all right here, I didn’t really read all the posts here lately (frankly, there was a time I didn’t even log for 5 days…) :smile:


Dunkiee had pikachu mog last time I saw some post pic here if I remember right. It were pikachu onesie :smiley:

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5 Steps to becoming an AUDI driver.

Step 1. Go to car showroom and select the car you want. Don’t be a wuss and get the 2.0 litre toy AUDI, be a MAN and slap all your cash on the 6.5 litre beast, you deserve it!

Step 2. Provide details of your license and make inquiries about insurance. Haha just kidding, you don’t need that shmazzle. You have bought yourself an AUDI!

Step 3. Take the AUDI home and impress everyone on your journey home by stopping at every red light (we promise you’ll never need to do this again) and put your bad boy in neutral and stamp on that gas pedal like you’re stepping on the Highway Code handbook.

Step 4. Speaking of the Highway Code, you can completely ignore that because you are now a member of the A.U.D.I Motor Club. (Absolutely Useless at Driving Idiot). That 4road is yours and yours alone bossman! Or Bosslady. (Insert your AUDI pronoun as applicable)

Step 5. Remind everyone you meet even if they don’t know you and you are on foot that you own an Audi by loudly yelling “I OWN AN AUDI!”, and to make yourself feel really important also add “AND IM A VEGAN!”

Congratulations. You are an AUDI owner.

Oh no!! Is the spider OK?

Hmm. I dunno. Thats one very large green glowing right eye there miss…


Yeah the spider came through all the tests thankfully he got sent home with antibiotics.

Nah you just mixed the Horlicks tin with the Nescafe tin.
Pitfalls of old age I guess.



Irl yes, I wore a pikachu headpiece for a meeting briefly. :rofl:

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Welcome back and best of luck with your meet up later this month.

Yes its what i saw :smiley:

Is there a similar expression for BMW drivers too?

Oh wait, I know.

Bloody Mindless Wa… oh wait, not saying that word. You know what it is. I bet.

But yell it like the guy on radio in that famous war movie…


More importantly, did it get sated from said bite? I sure hope so!

How about eight though…

As for the nail picture… I felt physical pain at that.

Nah, my nails aren’t long at all. In fact, they are shorty and plan to keep them that way (of course, since the mani will last 3 weeks or a month it’ll grow considerably, rats!!)

On the other hand they are really healthy according to a fren.

Thamks good little elf! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: and since she wants to have a nail pic together (hers are always done because she’d bite them otherwise), I might be in luck!

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