🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 2)

People who drink coffee are so fascinating to me

if i never drink (during workday ofc) 4 coffees (ESPRESSO) \DAY, im not able to work properly.
Yesterday wen to sleep late so probably ill raise the number.

It’s weird - coffee doesn’t have the ‘keeping awake’ effect on me at all. I often have one last thing at night and have no problem with sleep. I think I must be quite unusual …


My mum used to drink coffee to help her sleep as it had reverse effects on her

Coffew makes me awake for about 20mins.

A cold shower is much better on me than coffee

At one point i used to drink 20 cups of tea in a day, crazy to think i havent drank tea in over 3 years now.

I still drink coffee though but only at most 5 cups throughout a day.


Nope. It’s nothing really; I don’t have fever or anything it’s just itchy and puffy.

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So no spiderlith in the works then?

Sounds awful though, antihistamine would probably help.

Wish there were arachnophobie mode in real, i cant stand spiders and their multiple legs creepin.

I saw showers in island that we went use sauna on and every shower booth were full hundreds of spiders on roof and wall, absolute horrifying take shower under roof blackened of spiders. :dracthyr_sweat:

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Think it would be freaky IRL

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I clearly did not have enough coffee this morning


Yea i saw that and thought the same that its not in right place or had mornings coffee :joy:

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Wish they just got rid of spiders irl, only good about them is that they catch those other icky flying insects but i dont want to see their dozen legs creepin inside any building :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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Clearly I dislike mornings or maybe Mondays or both!

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Only people who like Monday mornings are people who don’t need to work.

Nah they just dont think anything of any weekday cos they have no specific meanings without work, even time loses meaning at some point. Stores are open 24h and you can sleep anytime you get tired :smiley:

That’s the best thing about holidays, you have no idea which day it is, and it’s amazing :joy:


If theres no anykind constant scheduled set in days thats like the permanent state :joy:

Need to keep playing lottery I guess.

Uuh I wouldnt mind that. I would invest it on apartments in Helsinki. I could set whatever rent I want for them cause goverment pays half of peoples rents there anyway cause theyre so high that nobody even going normal work can afford them its funny situation with asumption that all just get help to their rent and the rents just keep going higher per year and nobody cares cause the demand is higher than the supply :smiley:

Property magnate eh?!

It would be fun collect money from all those private investments while do whatever want otherwise. I live in one currently but its not in Helsinki thankfully nor have Gallywix for landlord, been pretty good guy so far and rent is fair. Property investments are probably best in making dough without risk here in Finland where I live. If you have the capital to buy the apartment you can make decent amounts from it through the years when there is very high demand on apartments almost all around the southern coast.

On wow related, Im having a blast playing rogue in solo bg, most fun Ive done in wow for while. Arena has nothing compared to it that is playing rog in bgs, its the original gameplay that wow started with and got me hooked on the game and anything else came after it, my minds still in 2005 arathi basin on my rog :dracthyr_a1: