🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 2)

There are no words …

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ppl bonding over video games, I love it :smiley:


Losing fur family is devastating. They are always too young even if they are elderly. I am so sorry for you and Nismo, I send you all the love and fluff in the world :paw_prints:


So, today I was lazy (also working from home) so I just slapped these into the oven:

Actually delicious. :yum:

Also, I want to post with Murley for a bit, maybe forever, who knows. :eyes: It’s my main after all.


Dew it!!!

No a god kitty has fallen. All venerate Smudge the mighty.

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Sending you lots of hugs Puny, always sad when a pet passes away :heart:

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Pet?, you mean companion :wink: ? Cats choose their human. The great god kitty sends a cat and its up to the human to be worthy.

Some humans are truely blessed.


That’s right. The other cat at my parent’s house choose us, literally. He was abandoned by some idiot who lived in a nearby condo and as smart as he is, he quickly understood which house was owned by crazy cat people. :eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Waiting on the beta, good way to take the mind off things


Oh, yeah, silly me. :crazy_face: As I explained in that autism thread the other day, sometimes I struggle with getting jokes right away, so when I can’t figure out if I did something wrong, I can “panic” for a bit, and a reaction on the forums can be to delete the post, because my brain says “Shame on you, you are a failure, you can’t even post on a forum” and such nonsense… then obviously I calm myself after a bit. It’s so frustrating! But I’m working on it. I’m a bit of a mess sometimes. :rofl:

I didn’t want to say that in the beta topic. :eyes:


I’m sorry my humour made you feel that way.

I am surprised how impatient and angry some posters are though.


No worries! I was always afraid to tell these things about myself because I fear trolling, but I feel better now. :slight_smile:

If I tell anyone about this, that means that I feel “safe” with that person, so it’s a good thing actually. Thank you for listening to me, it means a lot! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


/equip DarkspearOutfit
Hey mon.

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If only you could transform into Forumtroll, you would win the entire WoW forums now.

Also thanks for the IRL laugh, I needed that. :rofl:

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Did you have to call out my thoughts that way? :dracthyr_lulmao:
I’m worse with it on discord, though. Usually when I am having a conversation and then nobody is replying so I talk too much and panic. At least with forums it is just one post at a time.

Tbh the :stuck_out_tongue: emoji has always been passive aggressive to me, I despise it.


Beta time people.

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Fixed for ya.

" :slight_smile: " this one too (I know I just used it in my previous post, but I guess it was fitting for that context lol).


I stand fixed.

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