🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

and a footbal player



Lol thats nice :smiley:


What an interesting sound. It’s Eurodance but not the typical one, less trashy. Love the melancholic touch in the melody.


And this is where he lost my respect.

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lol, the day I ever appear on TikTok or X is the day I have been murdered and cloned by my murderer.

Suffice to say, never gonna happen.


I am on TikTok :open_mouth:


It was popular summer track and funny song yeah, sadly I never had those fuzzy dices in car that are usually found from mirrors that play this type music windows down on weekends in town, I just have to play my summer car on steam and roleplay! :joy:

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Who steals a cheesegrater he asks, and what got him most worked was he stole his soap too. “He stole my soap!” he says holding my dove men body and hair green label soap! :male_detective:


World of Warcraft - Nyan Cat Pet!!

So many druids, so few likes available.

Cheetah Falls Asleep on Man I’m in travel form human.

I’m not the most hardcore cat fan.

I’m on instagram as well :eyes:

I am on instagram but not on tiktok. But i estch tiktok video on instagram :smiley:

I mean it’s not that different, aside for the fact that TikTok works better and instagram is on retirement mode by now… every day less and less of my friends use it. Like Facebook I mean, I don’t even have it installed on my phone anymore

I sill use fb for info and travel but is almost useless.
Ig is still popular between my friends cause im a bit older but i foresee in 2 year will be in the same situaton of fb.

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Wow, I have my personal own stalker now! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I have both but use them less and less. FB nowadays is just for boomers and their sad AI generated memes, IG is a bit better but both became annoying since they started showing you mostly stuff you don’t care about instead of your friends and pages you actually follow.


I have to say i just downloaded tktk and it seems a waay better than ig. Unfortunately my friends are few there.

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I hate it honestly. Sometimes there’s fun stuff in there, but the cringefest outweights the funny videos.

Also finally got my characters back, Aly you can stop harassing my cheesy alter ego. Thanks.


I mostly follow economic and scientific guys who explain a lot of useful stuff! There’s cringe but I just skip it, and ad free a while the algorithm stops showing you those things, mostly

It’s not only the content but also the length of it. I prefer YouTube because there’s a lot of longer videos I can just listen while doing other stuff.

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werent you able to log with it? Tktk isnt so bad. im planning a china trip next year and being a chinese platform is good to retrieve info i struggle to find elsewhere.