🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

Continuing the discussion from 🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 2) - #5104 by Punyelf-draenor.

Previous discussions:

Seems my response doomed us to a new start


Reached the 5000 limit, wasted opportunity to say “first” in here imo :joy:

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To be expected from a dreadlady I guess!



Oh deary me.

What has happened :astonished:

The bot auto renews any topic at 5k posts.

Was just looking at the post counts for these threads.

The top poster has nearly quadruple anyone elses posts how is that possible?

Do they talk to themselves ? :joy:


This is probably the most chatty thread we have on the forums.


Where do you even see something like that or why would any be interested of monitoring for such information, also isnt it kinda forums point that people post on it so saying something negative of people using the platform then would be kinda weird thing to criticize, didnt you just while ago also blame others of only being negative or offensive to others but then your doing the same now only to say something negative in the thread or attempt insult people on it.

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It is under the top post expand it and it shows who the top posters are.

As for what else you said, what a load of nonsense.

I look at it generally to see who is overly active in a thread, i also use it to avoid some threads if there is certain undesirable posters overly active in it.

Yeah dont feel need to reply to me again, it goes on ignore and honestly I dont care read this type of offensive remarks of others.

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Basically we are chatterboxes

It’s never negative to be chatty!! Esp in a thread which is literally just chit chat.


I didnt really want to reply to you after that anyway lol :man_shrugging:


Exactly, and forums are made exactly to the purpose that people use them and ive never understood criticising people for using one.

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You should really stop editing your posts after people already replied to it aswell.

Spreading nonsense about people using ingame mail and changing your posts after they are replied to.

Makes me think you might not be as nice as people claim you are.


mmm interesting… part 3 is here.

People who make offensive remarks of others for using platform to post which are made for the sole purpose to post on it, which they self are participating aswell and paying a monthly sub to use isnt the most logicalest insults. In general would be better not just say anything if have nothing else to say than insult that serves no purpose.


bringing havoc as usual, dont you?

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Well, I’m not sure why it started now but they’ve been sorta nice and chatty lately.

We probably just needed a fight to say “happy new thread!”