Isn’t an apple turnover when you eat an apple upside down?
And good turnout when show gets decent crowd for the stand up
Food pictures!? Todays breakfast, lunch & dinner is boiled potatos with bacon egg toast and herring steaks, fried covered on breadcrumbs
Made me feel very hungry.
Weird I didnt see trading post thread yet but I guess it comes when december turns. The earmuffs and the murloc onesie is pretty fun
So happy it is the reward and we dont have to buy the onesie <3
Just needs some blue and pink.
and ofc my sub finish tomorrow and ill miss the only trading post worth since april. uff.
Not logged into game for 4 days now, the mini-break has done me good. Just logged in to pick up the weeklies this morning, will start them tonight
We should get the devs to Rick Roll you every time you interact with something in game
ive heard Rick Astley will let you borrow any movie from his Disney collection…
except Up … hes never gonna give you Up …
if you ask me personally
I bought a giraffe oodie in the black friday sale… just need Blizzard to give us a giraffe mount now!
There is the zebra mount, it is only logical they would release giraffe as mount aswell
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