Ay, Dios Mio! Just logged on my rogue
Thought you Finns just drunk vodka haha
Aslong its liquid is pretty common saying but dont know if it translates to english, the point anyway that we are not very picky
Lettuce not resort to punning…
Thats just their mouthwash…
You reached the iceberg of lettuce puns
my Little Gems are just the tip of the Iceberg…
(Everyone else by now is screaming “OMG make them stop!!”)
To which I say, peas out…
Vegetables can be yummy!
And beer (stout and ale too), Koskenkorva, gin-tonic, cocktails…
My cousin could sing tales.
If we cook them in bacon grease maybe he’ll never know.
You should try Roasted Brussel Sprouts and bacon…
Its God’s way of eating sprouts
When my son was little I used to have to cook the mushrooms in bacon fat to get him to eat them
Oh better not hear us sing, tho I have video of it with 4 of us after 2 weeks in a sailboat and lots to drink, its mostly recognizable words of the shanties still and slapping pace on the side of the leg
“wise boy is wise”
Oh arrrrr me luvlies!
Anyway yaw’ll, this cowgirl’s gonna mosey on down to the saloon and finish off her sausage rolls and HP sauce… have a rootin tootin evenin!
Tell him where were headed boys!
First we go to Hawaii shore then up to Alaska then back to Hawaii, China, Brazil then Alaska again, the trip takes 18 months!
As a West Country person (originally) i am offended by you poor attempt at said accent. Just joking obviously…