🐟 (Done) Forum Run: Glory of the Eternal Raider

This will officially be our last Forum Run for BFA. After that, Forum Runs will take a break until Shadowlands.

When: Saturday, October 3rd 2020, starting 20:30 server time
Duration: up to 3 hours
What: Glory of the Eternal Raider
Faction: Horde


  • A level 120 character with at least world-quest gear
  • Discord
  • Working sound (you need to be able to listen to Discord voice. Talking is not mandatory)
  • There is no Eternal Palace experience requirement, but if you want to make things easier for yourself, consider clearing it at least in LFR

How to sign up:

  • Join our Discord (we are nice, I promise): https://discord.gg/bs2ypkU
  • Head to #event-signup
  • Click on your class icon. You will automatically receive a message with further instructions
  • Show up and get achievements + mount

Achievements will be explained in Discord voice and there willbe enough time to ask questions if something is unclear :slight_smile:

As always, Forum runs are non-toxic and mostly there to have a lot of fun together. We’ve done a few of these in past already and it was always super fun :slight_smile: .


Theme song of the evening:

Achievement Run


Whew I can use my belf demon hunter if bare reqs is WQ gear

The achievements are really good fun and have a brief look at the guide for some tips, i have done them myself a couple times and you are in good hands with Kyrel .

i can help you with some gear if needed :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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As most achievement runs are done on normal and it’s an old raid I don’t imagine it will be too hard to grab a few items in advance :slight_smile:

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Pick me!..Pick ME!

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Sign up on the discord, we want you!!!

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I’ll tag along… been missing your previous runs, if they were held. Still haven’t finished off Ny’alotha’s last 2 bosses. :frowning:

:frowning: that week ill trek tuscany… a shame.
Ill join forum run in sl

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Tuscany sounds fab!


Thank you Miss Dee!!

I think she’ll be good enough though. Least i hope so…

It will be fine, it’s an old raid and its done on normal mode :slight_smile:

My poor wee sadly neglected Demon Hunter.

I blame Sylvanas.

Think my horde chars are more neglected :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes! Chiantishire is just 300km from me so…a good hike week is in order!

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So for the next forum run we do a group hike across Tuscany to drink wine? I’m down for that! :smile:


Wonderful idea!! Lets do that! unfortunately actually is raining… lets hope for the future!

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