🐟 (Done) Forum Run: Glory of the Eternal Raider

I’m a bit worried since we’re almost 30 people to coordinate some of the achievements, but it will definitely be fun :slight_smile:

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I was going to join but i found out all my horde characters are complete trash.
Also you can go in two groups if you must and still share Discord for extra chaos

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They are pretty nice and fun to do there is 2 that really need focus but will be good fun to get away from all the negativity on forums .

Please do remind me again tomorrow though :laughing:

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If Kyrel does not i will spam you :stuck_out_tongue:

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TEP Normal is tuned for 410ish, you don’t have any character around that ilvl?

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we are 29, one more spot :scream:

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30th member has to bring pizza.

You know which kind…!

Not raisin pizza!

Would like to join If theres room

we just hit 30 sign ups, feel free to sign up anyways in case there’s someone not showing up, but I would of course let the ones join who signed up before.

Though, the chance that someone doesn’t show up has historically been 100% on these forum runs :joy:


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lets all sit back and prepare to laugh heartily when either Puny gets a power cut or her internet goes down at 20:28 server time…

I won’t laugh of course because I’m a nice person.


That’s evil!

Power cut is not a problem with a ups

Awww! I missed this too while abscent?

I was gonna say sad panda, but I guess sad nelf!

I fully expect it to happen to me when a buzzard decides to take a rest on the power line or like earlier this week when some nimrod of a tree felling company decided to take out a power line with a branch he took down with a chainsaw.

We are doing this run tonight, theoretically we are full but usually not everyone shows up so we may have space.

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Well, as I mentioned I am still kinda abscent, and will be for a while longer. Hence why I find the SL delay perfect, lol. I’m just hiding in classic atm, playing at a slow place and with very little social interaction.

I’d love it if this is something that will keep up into SL though, and hopefully it won’t be that long until I’ll be back at normal play.


it’s been a thing we’ve been doing since March in irregular intervals and I hope we can continue doing it in SL :slight_smile: